Now showing items 3794-3804 of 3804

    • The X Window System 

      Scheifler, Robert W.; Gettys, Jim (1986-10)
      An overview of the X Window System is presented, focusing on the system substrate and the low-level facilities provided to build applications and to manage the desktop. The system provides high-performance, high-level, ...
    • X-Y Table User's Manual 

      Larson, Noble (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1974-05)
      This working paper describes the mini-robot group's X-Y table and associated hardware.
    • XGP Font Catalog 

      Knight, Thomas (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1974-05-24)
    • XP. A Common Lisp Pretty Printing System 

      Waters, Richard C. (1989-03-01)
      XP provides efficient and flexible support for pretty printing in Common Lisp. Its single greatest advantage is that it allows the full benefits of pretty printing to be obtained when printing data structures, as well ...
    • XP. A Common Lisp Pretty Printing System 

      Waters, Richard C. (1989-08-01)
      XP provides efficient and flexible support for pretty printing in Common Lisp. Its single greatest advantage is that it allows the full benefits of pretty printing to be obtained when printing data structures, as well ...
    • The XPRT Description System 

      Steels, Luc (MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, 1979-01)
      This paper introduces a frame-based description language and studies methods for reasoning about problems using knowledge expressed in the language. The system is based on the metaphor of a society of communicating experts ...
    • Zero-Crossings and Spatiotemporal Interpretation in Vision 

      Poggio, Tomaso; Nielsen, Kenneth; Nishihara, Keith (1982-05-01)
      We will briefly outline a computational theory of the first stages of human vision according to which (a) the retinal image is filtered by a set of centre-surround receptive fields (of about 5 different spatial sizes) ...
    • Zero-Crossings on Lines of Curvature 

      Yuille, A. (1984-12-01)
      We investigate the relations between the structure of the image and events in the geometry of the underlying surface. We introduce some elementary differential geometry and use it to define a coordinate system on the ...
    • ZigZag Decoding: Combating Hidden Terminals in Wireless Networks 

      Katabi, Dina; Gollakota, Shyamnath (2008-04-08)
      This paper presents ZigZag, an 802.11 receiver that combats hidden terminals. ZigZag exploits 802.11 retransmissions which, in the case of hidden terminals, cause successive collisions. Due to asynchrony, these collisions ...
    • ZigZag Decoding: Combating Hidden Terminals In Wireless Networks 

      Katabi, Dina; Gollakota, Shyamnath (2008-10-01)
      This paper presents ZigZag, an 802.11 receiver design that combats hidden terminals. ZigZag's core contribution is a new form of interference cancellation that exploits asynchrony across successive collisions. Specifically, ...
    • Ω(n log n) Lower Bounds on Length of Boolean Formulas 

      Fischer, Michael J.; Meyer, Albert R.; Paterson, Michael S. (1980-11)
      A property of Boolean functions of n variables is described and shown to imply lower bounds as large as Ω(n log n) on the number of literals in any Boolean formula for any function with the property. Formulas over the full ...