Heat Transfer Laboratory: Recent submissions
Now showing items 16-18 of 80
Burnout in forced convection nucleate boiling of water
(Cambridge, Mass. : M.I.T. Heat Transfer Laboratory, [1957], 1957)Data are presented for burnout in forced coivection nucleate boiling of water at pressures above 500 psia. A dimensionless correlation is devised for. the M.I.T. data which is found to be valid for certain recent data ... -
Forced-convection, dispersed-flow film boiling
(Cambridge, Mass. : M.I.T. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, [1969], 1969)This report presents the latest results of an investigation of the characteristics of dispersed flow film boiling. Heat transfer data are presented for vertical upflow of nitrogen in an electrically heated tube, 0.4 in. ... -
The deterioration in heat transfer to fluids at supercritical pressure and high heat fluxes
(Cambridge, Mass. : M.I.T. Engineering Projects Laboratory, [1968], 1968)At slightly supercritical pressure and in the neighborhood of the pseudo-critical temperature (defined as the temperature corresponding to the peak in specific heat at the operating pressure), the heat transfer coefficient ...