Now showing items 19-21 of 80

    • The bubbly-slug transition in a high velocity two phase flow 

      Griffith, P.; Snyder, George A. (Cambridge, Mass. : M.I.T. Division of Sponsored Research, [1964], 1964)
      A possible mechanism for the transition between bubbly and slug flow is proposed and tested in a simulated slug flow system. No sudden collapse of slug flow with increasing velocity is found and it is concluded that: a. ...
    • Description of boiling project burnout detector 

      Raymond, M. W.; Reynolds John Mitchell (Cambridge, Mass. : M.I.T. Heat Transfer Laboratory, [1957], 1957)
      Introduction: In order to effectively utilize the high heat flux available through the mechanism of nucleate boiling in forced convection heat transfer, it is of primary importance that the maximum flux or "burnout" ...
    • The Measurement, interpretation and use of unsteady momentum fluxes in two-phase flow. 

      Yih, Tien Sieh; Griffith, P. (Cambridge, Mass. : M.I.T. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, [1967], 1967)
      The steady and unsteady components of the momentum flux in a two-phase flow have been measured at the exit of a vertical pipe by means of an impulse technique using a turning tee and beam. Different electrical filters have ...