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dc.contributor.authorGao, F.
dc.contributor.authorCummings, M. L.
dc.description.abstractWith the increasing need for teams of operators in controlling multiple robots, it is important to understand how to construct the team and support team processes. While running experiments can be time consuming and expensive, the use of simulation models is an alternative method. In this study, we built a discrete event simulation model that represents multi-robot multi-operator teamwork. Preliminary results show that the model can generate performance measures consistent with experimental results.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipThis research is sponsored by the Office for Naval Research and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research.en_US
dc.publisherHuman Factors and Ergonomics Societyen_US
dc.subjectcontrolling multiple robotsen_US
dc.subjectsimulation modelsen_US
dc.titleUsing Discrete Event Simulation to Model Multi-Robot Multi-Operator Teamworken_US
dc.identifier.citationGao, F., Cummings, M.L., Using Discrete Event Simulation to Model Multi-Robot Multi-Operator Teamwork, In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, SAGE Publication, .Vol. 56, No. 1, pp. 2093-209, Boston, MA, October, 2012.en_US

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  • HAL Reports
    Technical Reports Series - Humans and Automation Laboratory

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