Lecture Notes #1: Introduction and Growth Facts (PDF)
Lecture Notes #2: The Solow Growth Model (and looking ahead) (PDF)
Centralized Dictatorial Allocations
The Economy, the Households and the Social Planner
Technology and Production
The Resource Constraint, and the Law of Motions for Capital and Labor
The Dynamics of Capital and Consumption
The Policy Rule
Steady State
Transitional Dynamics
Decentralized Market Allocations
Market Clearing
General Equilibrium: Definition
General Equilibrium: Existence, Uniqueness, and Characterization
Shocks and Policies
Productivity and Taste Shock
Unproductive Government Spending
Productive Government Spending
Continuous Time and Conditional Convergence
The Solow Model in Continuous Time
Log-linearization and the Convergence Rate
Cross-Country Differences and Conditional Convergence
Mankiw-Romer-Weil: Cross-Country Differences
Barro: Conditional Convergence
The Golden Rule and Dynamic Inefficiency
Poverty Traps, Cycles, etc.
Introducing Endogenous Growth
Lecture Notes #3: The Neoclassical Growth Model (PDF)
The Social Planner
Technology and the Resource Constraint
The Ramsey Problem
Optimal Control
Dynamic Programming
Decentralized Competitive Equilibrium
Market Clearing
General Equilibrium: Definition
General Equilibrium: Existence, Uniqueness, and Characterization
Steady State and Transitional Dynamics
Steady State
Transitional Dynamics
The Neoclassical Growth Model with Exogenous Labor
Steady State and Transitional Dynamics
Continuous Time
Phase Diagram (Figure 1)
Comparitive Statics and Impulse Responses
Additive Endowment (Figure 2)
Taxation and Redistribution (Figures 3 and 4)
Productivity Shocks: A prelude to RBC (Figures 5 and 6)
Government Spending (Figures 7 and 8)
Endogenous Labor Supply, the RBC Propagation Mechanism, and Beyond
The Phase Diagram with Endogenous Labor Supply
Impulse Responses Revisited
The RBC Propagation Mechanism, and Beyond
Lecture Notes #4: Applications (PDF)
Arrow-Debreu Markets and Consumption Smoothing
The Intertemporal Budget
Arrow-Debreu versus Radner
The Consumption Problem with CEIS
Intertemporal Consumption Smoothing, with No Uncertainty
Incomplete Market and Self- Insurance
Aggregation and the Representative Consumer
Fiscal Policy
Ricardian Equivalence
Tax Smoothing and Debt Management
Risk Sharing and CCAPM
Risk Sharing
Asset Pricing and CCAPM
Ramsey Meets Tobin: Adjustment Costs and q
Ramsey Meets Laibson: Hyperbolic Discounting
Implications for Long-Run Savings
Implications for Self-Insurance
Lecture Notes #5: Overlapping Generations Models (PDF)
Lecture Notes #6: Endogenous Growth I: AK, H, and G (PDF)
The Simple AK Model
Pareto Allocations
The Frictionless Competitive Economy
A Simple Model of Human Capital
Pareto Allocations
Market Allocations
Learning by Education (Ozawa and Lucas)
Learning by Doing and Knowledge Spillovers (Arrow and Romer)
Market Allocations
Pareto Allocations and Policy Implications
Government Services (Barro)
Lecture Notes #7: Endogenous Growth II: R & D and Technological Change (PDF)
Complete Lecture Notes (Single File) (PDF)