1 |
Convex and Nonconvex Optimization Problems Why is Convexity Important in Optimization Lagrange Multipliers and Duality Min Common / Max Crossing Duality |
2 |
Convex Sets and Functions Epigraphs Closed Convex Functions Recognizing Convex Functions |
3 |
Differentiable Convex Functions Convex and Affine Bulls Caratheodory's Theorem Closure, Relative Interior, Continuity |
4 |
Review of Relative Interior Algebra of Relative Interiors and Closures Continuity of Convex Functions Recession Cones |
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Global and Local Minima Weierstrass' Theorem The Projection Theorem Recession Cones of Convex Functions Existence of Optimal Solutions |
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Nonemptiness of Closed Set Intersections Existence of Optimal Solutions Special Cases: Linear and Quadric Programs Preservation of Closure under Linear Transformation and Partial Minimization |
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Preservation of Closure under Partial Minimization Hyperplanes Hyperplane Separation Nonvertical Hyperplanes Min Common and Max Crossing Problems |
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Min Common / Max Crossing Problems Weak Duality Strong Duality Existence of Optimal Solutions Minimax Problems |
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Min-Max Problems Saddle Points Min Common / Max Crossing for Min-Max |
10 |
Polar Cones and Polar Cone Theorem Polyhedral and Finitely Generated Cones Farkas Lemma, Minkowski-Weyl Theorem Polyhedral Sets and Functions |
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Extreme Points Extreme Points of Polyhedral Sets Extreme Points and Linear / Integer Programming |
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Polyhedral Aspects of Duality Hyperplane Proper Polyhedral Separation Min Common / Max Crossing Theorem under Polyhedral Assumptions Nonlinear Farkas Lemma Application to Convex Programming |
13 |
Directional Derivatives of One-Dimensional Convex Functions Directional Derivatives of Multi-Dimensional Convex Functions Subgradients and Subdifferentials Properties of Subgradients |
14 |
Conical Approximations Cone of Feasible Directions Tangent and Normal Cones Conditions for Optimality |
15 |
Introduction to Lagrange Multipliers Enhanced Fritz John Theory |
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Enhanced Fritz John Conditions Pseudonormality Constraint Qualifications |
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Sensitivity Issues Exact Penalty Functions Extended Representations |
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Convexity, Geometric Multipliers, and Duality Relation of Geometric and Lagrange Multipliers The Dual Function and the Dual Problem Weak and Strong Duality Duality and Geometric Multipliers |
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Linear and Quadric Programming Duality Conditions for Existence of Geometric Multipliers Conditions for Strong Duality |
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The Primal Function Conditions for Strong Duality Sensitivity Fritz John Conditions for Convex Programming |
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Fenchel Duality Conjugate Convex Functions Relation of Primal and Dual Functions Fenchel Duality Theorems |
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Fenchel Duality Fenchel Duality Theorems Cone Programming Semidefinite Programming |
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Overview of Dual Methods Nondifferentiable Optimization |
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Subgradient Methods Stepsize Rules and Convergence Analysis |
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Incremental Subgradient Methods Convergence Rate Analysis and Randomized Methods |
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Additional Dual Methods Cutting Plane Methods Decomposition |