This section provides the course's term paper assignment, along with a useful reference on mathematical writing.
Guidelines for Term Paper
There are two types of term paper:
- Read and report on an application area that relates to the convex analysis and optimization material of the course.
- Read and report on a theoretical area that relates to the convex analysis and optimization material of the course.
The reading could include 2-4 related papers. The choice is up to you, but in case of doubt, you should check with the instructor.
A variant is to include not just a synthesis of the material you read, but also (in part) your own research and thoughts on the subject.
The length of the paper should ordinarily be 15-25 pages.
Mathematical Writing
Mathematical writing is fundamentally different than creative and expository writing for two main reasons:
- It involves the interplay of two languages (natural and math).
- It requires much slower reading.
As a result, many of the rules and suggestions found in writing style manuals are inadequate and/or do not apply. In "Ten Simple Rules for Mathematical Writing" (PDF), we propose a structured approach to mathematical writing, based on a set of simple composition rules.