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The D-Lab Project Portfolio presents some highlights of work done by other D-Lab teams over the past several years.

ITDG - The Intermediate Technology Development Group - was founded in 1966 by the economist Dr. E. F. Schumacher and it aims to demonstrate and advocate the sustainable use of technology to reduce poverty in developing countries. ITDG is a charity registered in the United Kingdom which works directly in four regions of the developing world - Latin America, East Africa, Southern Africa and South Asia, with particular concentration on Peru, Kenya, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal. There are many useful articles and technical briefs available for free on their Web site.

IDE is a non-profit organization that has developed special expertise in water technologies for small-scale irrigation and safe drinking water. They have a variety of technical articles, mostly related to irrigation and water treatment, available for free download in the "Library" section of their site.

Whirlwind Wheelchair International designed the Whirlwind wheelchair, a lightweight, low-cost, high-performance, durable wheelchair designed to be effective in the rough urban and rural conditions of developing countries.

The World Resources Institute focuses on environmental issues such as climate change, costal and marine ecosystems, and the economics of a sustainable approach to business.

The Digital Dividend Project is a branch of the World Resources Institute that works to identify and promote large scale uses of information and communication technology so as to create positive change in the societies and economies of developing countries.

The Light Up The World Foundation works to provide inexpensive, near permanent electric lighting to developing countries by taking advantage of high wattage LED technology.