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dc.contributor.authorLees, J. P.
dc.contributor.authorPoireau, V.
dc.contributor.authorTisserand, V.
dc.contributor.authorGrauges, E.
dc.contributor.authorPalano, A.
dc.contributor.authorEigen, G.
dc.contributor.authorStugu, B.
dc.contributor.authorBrown, D. N.
dc.contributor.authorKerth, L. T.
dc.contributor.authorKolomensky, Yu. G.
dc.contributor.authorLee, M. J.
dc.contributor.authorLynch, G.
dc.contributor.authorKoch, H.
dc.contributor.authorSchroeder, T.
dc.contributor.authorHearty, C.
dc.contributor.authorMattison, T. S.
dc.contributor.authorMcKenna, J. A.
dc.contributor.authorSo, R. Y.
dc.contributor.authorKhan, A.
dc.contributor.authorBlinov, V. E.
dc.contributor.authorBuzykaev, A. R.
dc.contributor.authorDruzhinin, V. P.
dc.contributor.authorGolubev, V. B.
dc.contributor.authorKravchenko, E. A.
dc.contributor.authorOnuchin, A. P.
dc.contributor.authorSerednyakov, S. I.
dc.contributor.authorSkovpen, Yu. I.
dc.contributor.authorSolodov, E. P.
dc.contributor.authorTodyshev, K. Yu.
dc.contributor.authorLankford, A. J.
dc.contributor.authorGary, J. W.
dc.contributor.authorLong, O.
dc.contributor.authorFranco Sevilla, M.
dc.contributor.authorHong, T. M.
dc.contributor.authorKovalskyi, D.
dc.contributor.authorRichman, J. D.
dc.contributor.authorWest, C. A.
dc.contributor.authorEisner, A. M.
dc.contributor.authorLockman, W. S.
dc.contributor.authorPanduro Vazquez, W.
dc.contributor.authorSchumm, B. A.
dc.contributor.authorSeiden, A.
dc.contributor.authorChao, D. S.
dc.contributor.authorCheng, C. H.
dc.contributor.authorEchenard, B.
dc.contributor.authorFlood, K. T.
dc.contributor.authorHitlin, D. G.
dc.contributor.authorKim, J.
dc.contributor.authorMiyashita, T. S.
dc.contributor.authorOngmongkolkul, P.
dc.contributor.authorPorter, F. C.
dc.contributor.authorRöhrken, M.
dc.contributor.authorAndreassen, R.
dc.contributor.authorHuard, Z.
dc.contributor.authorMeadows, B. T.
dc.contributor.authorPushpawela, B. G.
dc.contributor.authorSokoloff, M. D.
dc.contributor.authorSun, L.
dc.contributor.authorFord, W. T.
dc.contributor.authorSmith, J. G.
dc.contributor.authorWagner, S. R.
dc.contributor.authorAyad, R.
dc.contributor.authorToki, W. H.
dc.contributor.authorSpaan, B.
dc.contributor.authorBernard, D.
dc.contributor.authorVerderi, M.
dc.contributor.authorPlayfer, S.
dc.contributor.authorBettoni, D.
dc.contributor.authorBozzi, C.
dc.contributor.authorCalabrese, R.
dc.contributor.authorCibinetto, G.
dc.contributor.authorFioravanti, E.
dc.contributor.authorGarzia, I.
dc.contributor.authorLuppi, E.
dc.contributor.authorSantoro, V.
dc.contributor.authorCalcaterra, A.
dc.contributor.authorde Sangro, R.
dc.contributor.authorFinocchiaro, G.
dc.contributor.authorMartellotti, S.
dc.contributor.authorPatteri, P.
dc.contributor.authorPeruzzi, I. M.
dc.contributor.authorPiccolo, M.
dc.contributor.authorZallo, A.
dc.contributor.authorContri, R.
dc.contributor.authorMonge, M. R.
dc.contributor.authorPassaggio, S.
dc.contributor.authorPatrignani, C.
dc.contributor.authorBhuyan, B.
dc.contributor.authorPrasad, V.
dc.contributor.authorAdametz, A.
dc.contributor.authorUwer, U.
dc.contributor.authorLacker, H. M.
dc.contributor.authorMallik, U.
dc.contributor.authorChen, C.
dc.contributor.authorCochran, J.
dc.contributor.authorPrell, S.
dc.contributor.authorAhmed, H.
dc.contributor.authorGritsan, A. V.
dc.contributor.authorArnaud, N.
dc.contributor.authorDavier, M.
dc.contributor.authorDerkach, D.
dc.contributor.authorGrosdidier, G.
dc.contributor.authorLe Diberder, F.
dc.contributor.authorLutz, A. M.
dc.contributor.authorMalaescu, B.
dc.contributor.authorRoudeau, P.
dc.contributor.authorStocchi, A.
dc.contributor.authorWormser, G.
dc.contributor.authorLange, D. J.
dc.contributor.authorWright, D. M.
dc.contributor.authorColeman, J. P.
dc.contributor.authorFry, J. R.
dc.contributor.authorGabathuler, E.
dc.contributor.authorHutchcroft, D. E.
dc.contributor.authorPayne, D. J.
dc.contributor.authorTouramanis, C.
dc.contributor.authorBevan, A. J.
dc.contributor.authorDi Lodovico, F.
dc.contributor.authorSacco, R.
dc.contributor.authorCowan, G.
dc.contributor.authorBrown, D. N.
dc.contributor.authorDavis, C. L.
dc.contributor.authorDenig, A. G.
dc.contributor.authorFritsch, M.
dc.contributor.authorGradl, W.
dc.contributor.authorGriessinger, K.
dc.contributor.authorHafner, A.
dc.contributor.authorSchubert, K. R.
dc.contributor.authorBarlow, R. J.
dc.contributor.authorLafferty, G. D.
dc.contributor.authorCenci, R.
dc.contributor.authorHamilton, B.
dc.contributor.authorJawahery, A.
dc.contributor.authorRoberts, D. A.
dc.contributor.authorCheaib, R.
dc.contributor.authorPatel, P. M.
dc.contributor.authorRobertson, S. H.
dc.contributor.authorDey, B.
dc.contributor.authorNeri, N.
dc.contributor.authorPalombo, F.
dc.contributor.authorCremaldi, L.
dc.contributor.authorGodang, R.
dc.contributor.authorSummers, D. J.
dc.contributor.authorSimard, M.
dc.contributor.authorTaras, P.
dc.contributor.authorDe Nardo, G.
dc.contributor.authorOnorato, G.
dc.contributor.authorSciacca, C.
dc.contributor.authorRaven, G.
dc.contributor.authorJessop, C. P.
dc.contributor.authorLoSecco, J. M.
dc.contributor.authorHonscheid, K.
dc.contributor.authorKass, R.
dc.contributor.authorMargoni, M.
dc.contributor.authorMorandin, M.
dc.contributor.authorPosocco, M.
dc.contributor.authorRotondo, M.
dc.contributor.authorSimi, G.
dc.contributor.authorSimonetto, F.
dc.contributor.authorStroili, R.
dc.contributor.authorAkar, S.
dc.contributor.authorBen-Haim, E.
dc.contributor.authorBomben, M.
dc.contributor.authorBonneaud, G. R.
dc.contributor.authorBriand, H.
dc.contributor.authorCalderini, G.
dc.contributor.authorChauveau, J.
dc.contributor.authorLeruste, Ph.
dc.contributor.authorMarchiori, G.
dc.contributor.authorOcariz, J.
dc.contributor.authorBiasini, M.
dc.contributor.authorManoni, E.
dc.contributor.authorRossi, A.
dc.contributor.authorAngelini, C.
dc.contributor.authorBatignani, G.
dc.contributor.authorBettarini, S.
dc.contributor.authorCarpinelli, M.
dc.contributor.authorCasarosa, G.
dc.contributor.authorChrzaszcz, M.
dc.contributor.authorForti, F.
dc.contributor.authorGiorgi, M. A.
dc.contributor.authorLusiani, A.
dc.contributor.authorOberhof, B.
dc.contributor.authorPaoloni, E.
dc.contributor.authorRama, M.
dc.contributor.authorRizzo, G.
dc.contributor.authorWalsh, J. J.
dc.contributor.authorLopes Pegna, D.
dc.contributor.authorOlsen, J.
dc.contributor.authorSmith, A. J. S.
dc.contributor.authorAnulli, F.
dc.contributor.authorFaccini, R.
dc.contributor.authorFerrarotto, F.
dc.contributor.authorFerroni, F.
dc.contributor.authorGaspero, M.
dc.contributor.authorPilloni, A.
dc.contributor.authorPiredda, G.
dc.contributor.authorBünger, C.
dc.contributor.authorDittrich, S.
dc.contributor.authorGrünberg, O.
dc.contributor.authorHess, M.
dc.contributor.authorLeddig, T.
dc.contributor.authorVoß, C.
dc.contributor.authorWaldi, R.
dc.contributor.authorAdye, T.
dc.contributor.authorOlaiya, E. O.
dc.contributor.authorWilson, F. F.
dc.contributor.authorEmery, S.
dc.contributor.authorVasseur, G.
dc.contributor.authorAston, D.
dc.contributor.authorBard, D. J.
dc.contributor.authorCartaro, C.
dc.contributor.authorConvery, M. R.
dc.contributor.authorDorfan, J.
dc.contributor.authorDubois-Felsmann, G. P.
dc.contributor.authorDunwoodie, W.
dc.contributor.authorEbert, M.
dc.contributor.authorField, R. C.
dc.contributor.authorFulsom, B. G.
dc.contributor.authorGraham, M. T.
dc.contributor.authorHast, C.
dc.contributor.authorInnes, W. R.
dc.contributor.authorKim, P.
dc.contributor.authorLeith, D. W. G. S.
dc.contributor.authorLuitz, S.
dc.contributor.authorLuth, V.
dc.contributor.authorMacFarlane, D. B.
dc.contributor.authorMuller, D. R.
dc.contributor.authorNeal, H.
dc.contributor.authorPulliam, T.
dc.contributor.authorRatcliff, B. N.
dc.contributor.authorRoodman, A.
dc.contributor.authorSchindler, R. H.
dc.contributor.authorSnyder, A.
dc.contributor.authorSu, D.
dc.contributor.authorSullivan, M. K.
dc.contributor.authorVa’vra, J.
dc.contributor.authorWisniewski, W. J.
dc.contributor.authorWulsin, H. W.
dc.contributor.authorPurohit, M. V.
dc.contributor.authorWilson, J. R.
dc.contributor.authorRandle-Conde, A.
dc.contributor.authorSekula, S. J.
dc.contributor.authorBellis, M.
dc.contributor.authorBurchat, P. R.
dc.contributor.authorPuccio, E. M. T.
dc.contributor.authorAlam, M. S.
dc.contributor.authorErnst, J. A.
dc.contributor.authorGorodeisky, R.
dc.contributor.authorGuttman, N.
dc.contributor.authorPeimer, D. R.
dc.contributor.authorSoffer, A.
dc.contributor.authorSpanier, S. M.
dc.contributor.authorRitchie, J. L.
dc.contributor.authorSchwitters, R. F.
dc.contributor.authorIzen, J. M.
dc.contributor.authorLou, X. C.
dc.contributor.authorBianchi, F.
dc.contributor.authorDe Mori, F.
dc.contributor.authorFilippi, A.
dc.contributor.authorGamba, D.
dc.contributor.authorLanceri, L.
dc.contributor.authorVitale, L.
dc.contributor.authorMartinez-Vidal, F.
dc.contributor.authorOyanguren, A.
dc.contributor.authorAlbert, J.
dc.contributor.authorBanerjee, Sw.
dc.contributor.authorBeaulieu, A.
dc.contributor.authorBernlochner, F. U.
dc.contributor.authorChoi, H. H. F.
dc.contributor.authorKing, G. J.
dc.contributor.authorKowalewski, R.
dc.contributor.authorLewczuk, M. J.
dc.contributor.authorLueck, T.
dc.contributor.authorNugent, I. M.
dc.contributor.authorRoney, J. M.
dc.contributor.authorSobie, R. J.
dc.contributor.authorTasneem, N.
dc.contributor.authorGershon, T. J.
dc.contributor.authorHarrison, P. F.
dc.contributor.authorLatham, T. E.
dc.contributor.authorBand, H. R.
dc.contributor.authorDasu, S.
dc.contributor.authorPan, Y.
dc.contributor.authorPrepost, R.
dc.contributor.authorWu, S. L.
dc.contributor.authorCowan, Ray F
dc.description.abstractWe report on measurements of the decays of [bar over B] mesons into the semileptonic final states [bar over B] → D[superscript (*)]π[superscript +]π[superscript -]ℓ[superscript -][bar over ν], where D[superscript (*)] represents a D or D[superscript *] meson and ℓ[superscript -] is an electron or a muon. These measurements are based on 471 × 10[superscript 6] B[bar over B] pairs recorded with the BABAR detector at the SLAC asymmetric B factory PEP-II. We determine the branching fraction ratios R[(*) over π[superscript +]π[superscript -]] = B([bar over B] → D[superscript (*)]π[superscript +]π[superscript -]ℓ[superscript -][bar over ν])/B([bar over B] → D[superscript (*)]ℓ[superscript -][bar over ν]) using events in which the second B meson is fully reconstructed. We find R[subscript π[superscript +]π[superscript -]] = 0.067 ± 0.010 ± 0.008 and R[* over π[superscript +]π[superscript -]] = 0.019 ± 0.005 ± 0.004, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic. Based on these results and assuming isospin invariance, we estimate that [bar over B] → D[superscript (*)]ππℓ[superscript -][bar over ν] decays, where π denotes either a π[superscript ±] and π[superscript 0] meson, account for up to half the difference between the measured inclusive semileptonic branching fraction to charm hadrons and the corresponding sum of previously measured exclusive branching fractions.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipUnited States. Dept. of Energyen_US
dc.description.sponsorshipNational Science Foundation (U.S.)en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipUnited States-Israel Binational Science Foundationen_US
dc.description.sponsorshipAlfred P. Sloan Foundationen_US
dc.publisherAmerican Physical Societyen_US
dc.rightsArticle is made available in accordance with the publisher's policy and may be subject to US copyright law. Please refer to the publisher's site for terms of use.en_US
dc.sourceAmerican Physical Societyen_US
dc.titleObservation of [bar over B] → D[superscript (*)]π[superscript +]π[superscript −]ℓ[superscript −][bar over ν] Decays in e[superscript +]e[superscript −] Collisions at the Υ(4S) Resonanceen_US
dc.identifier.citationLees, J. P., V. Poireau, V. Tisserand, E. Grauges, A. Palano, G. Eigen, B. Stugu, et al. “Observation of [bar over B] → D[superscript (*)]π[superscript +]π[superscript −]ℓ[superscript −][bar over ν] Decays in e[superscript +]e[superscript −] Collisions at the Υ(4S) Resonance.” Physical Review Letters 116, no. 4 (January 26, 2016). © 2016 American Physical Societyen_US
dc.contributor.departmentMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Laboratory for Nuclear Scienceen_US
dc.contributor.mitauthorCowan, Ray Franklinen_US
dc.relation.journalPhysical Review Lettersen_US
dc.eprint.versionFinal published versionen_US
dc.rights.holderAmerican Physical Society
dspace.orderedauthorsLees, J. P.; Poireau, V.; Tisserand, V.; Grauges, E.; Palano, A.; Eigen, G.; Stugu, B.; Brown, D. N.; Kerth, L. T.; Kolomensky, Yu. G.; Lee, M. J.; Lynch, G.; Koch, H.; Schroeder, T.; Hearty, C.; Mattison, T. S.; McKenna, J. A.; So, R. Y.; Khan, A.; Blinov, V. E.; Buzykaev, A. R.; Druzhinin, V. P.; Golubev, V. B.; Kravchenko, E. A.; Onuchin, A. P.; Serednyakov, S. I.; Skovpen, Yu. I.; Solodov, E. P.; Todyshev, K. Yu.; Lankford, A. J.; Gary, J. W.; Long, O.; Franco Sevilla, M.; Hong, T. M.; Kovalskyi, D.; Richman, J. D.; West, C. A.; Eisner, A. M.; Lockman, W. S.; Panduro Vazquez, W.; Schumm, B. A.; Seiden, A.; Chao, D. S.; Cheng, C. H.; Echenard, B.; Flood, K. T.; Hitlin, D. G.; Kim, J.; Miyashita, T. S.; Ongmongkolkul, P.; Porter, F. C.; Röhrken, M.; Andreassen, R.; Huard, Z.; Meadows, B. T.; Pushpawela, B. G.; Sokoloff, M. D.; Sun, L.; Ford, W. T.; Smith, J. G.; Wagner, S. R.; Ayad, R.; Toki, W. H.; Spaan, B.; Bernard, D.; Verderi, M.; Playfer, S.; Bettoni, D.; Bozzi, C.; Calabrese, R.; Cibinetto, G.; Fioravanti, E.; Garzia, I.; Luppi, E.; Santoro, V.; Calcaterra, A.; de Sangro, R.; Finocchiaro, G.; Martellotti, S.; Patteri, P.; Peruzzi, I. M.; Piccolo, M.; Zallo, A.; Contri, R.; Monge, M. R.; Passaggio, S.; Patrignani, C.; Bhuyan, B.; Prasad, V.; Adametz, A.; Uwer, U.; Lacker, H. M.; Mallik, U.; Chen, C.; Cochran, J.; Prell, S.; Ahmed, H.; Gritsan, A. V.; Arnaud, N.; Davier, M.; Derkach, D.; Grosdidier, G.; Le Diberder, F.; Lutz, A. M.; Malaescu, B.; Roudeau, P.; Stocchi, A.; Wormser, G.; Lange, D. J.; Wright, D. M.; Coleman, J. P.; Fry, J. R.; Gabathuler, E.; Hutchcroft, D. E.; Payne, D. J.; Touramanis, C.; Bevan, A. J.; Di Lodovico, F.; Sacco, R.; Cowan, G.; Brown, D. N.; Davis, C. L.; Denig, A. G.; Fritsch, M.; Gradl, W.; Griessinger, K.; Hafner, A.; Schubert, K. R.; Barlow, R. J.; Lafferty, G. D.; Cenci, R.; Hamilton, B.; Jawahery, A.; Roberts, D. A.; Cowan, R.; Cheaib, R.; Patel, P. M.; Robertson, S. H.; Dey, B.; Neri, N.; Palombo, F.; Cremaldi, L.; Godang, R.; Summers, D. J.; Simard, M.; Taras, P.; De Nardo, G.; Onorato, G.; Sciacca, C.; Raven, G.; Jessop, C. P.; LoSecco, J. M.; Honscheid, K.; Kass, R.; Margoni, M.; Morandin, M.; Posocco, M.; Rotondo, M.; Simi, G.; Simonetto, F.; Stroili, R.; Akar, S.; Ben-Haim, E.; Bomben, M.; Bonneaud, G. R.; Briand, H.; Calderini, G.; Chauveau, J.; Leruste, Ph.; Marchiori, G.; Ocariz, J.; Biasini, M.; Manoni, E.; Rossi, A.; Angelini, C.; Batignani, G.; Bettarini, S.; Carpinelli, M.; Casarosa, G.; Chrzaszcz, M.; Forti, F.; Giorgi, M. A.; Lusiani, A.; Oberhof, B.; Paoloni, E.; Rama, M.; Rizzo, G.; Walsh, J. J.; Lopes Pegna, D.; Olsen, J.; Smith, A. J. S.; Anulli, F.; Faccini, R.; Ferrarotto, F.; Ferroni, F.; Gaspero, M.; Pilloni, A.; Piredda, G.; Bünger, C.; Dittrich, S.; Grünberg, O.; Hess, M.; Leddig, T.; Voß, C.; Waldi, R.; Adye, T.; Olaiya, E. O.; Wilson, F. F.; Emery, S.; Vasseur, G.; Aston, D.; Bard, D. J.; Cartaro, C.; Convery, M. R.; Dorfan, J.; Dubois-Felsmann, G. P.; Dunwoodie, W.; Ebert, M.; Field, R. C.; Fulsom, B. G.; Graham, M. T.; Hast, C.; Innes, W. R.; Kim, P.; Leith, D. W. G. S.; Luitz, S.; Luth, V.; MacFarlane, D. B.; Muller, D. R.; Neal, H.; Pulliam, T.; Ratcliff, B. N.; Roodman, A.; Schindler, R. H.; Snyder, A.; Su, D.; Sullivan, M. K.; Va’vra, J.; Wisniewski, W. J.; Wulsin, H. W.; Purohit, M. V.; Wilson, J. R.; Randle-Conde, A.; Sekula, S. J.; Bellis, M.; Burchat, P. R.; Puccio, E. M. T.; Alam, M. S.; Ernst, J. A.; Gorodeisky, R.; Guttman, N.; Peimer, D. R.; Soffer, A.; Spanier, S. M.; Ritchie, J. L.; Schwitters, R. F.; Izen, J. M.; Lou, X. C.; Bianchi, F.; De Mori, F.; Filippi, A.; Gamba, D.; Lanceri, L.; Vitale, L.; Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Albert, J.; Banerjee, Sw.; Beaulieu, A.; Bernlochner, F. U.; Choi, H. H. F.; King, G. J.; Kowalewski, R.; Lewczuk, M. J.; Lueck, T.; Nugent, I. M.; Roney, J. M.; Sobie, R. J.; Tasneem, N.; Gershon, T. J.; Harrison, P. F.; Latham, T. E.; Band, H. R.; Dasu, S.; Pan, Y.; Prepost, R.; Wu, S. L.en_US

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