Now showing items 1-20 of 94

    • 14.27 Economics and E-commerce, Fall 2000 

      Ellison, Glenn (2000-12)
      This course uses theoretical models and studies of "old economy" industries to help understand the growth and future of electronic commerce. We will begin with a discussion of relevant topics from industrial organization ...
    • 14.03 Intermediate Applied Microeconomics, Fall 2000 

      Autor, David H. (2000-12)
      Presents basic theory and applications of consumer and producer behavior and welfare analysis at an intermediate level. Emphasizes applications, including the measurement of productivity, rationing, insurance markets, and ...
    • 14.123 Microeconomic Theory III, Spring 2001 

      Diamond, Peter A. (2001-06)
      General equilibrium, capital theory, incomplete markets, externalities, public goods. From the course web page: Course Description The central topic of this course is the theory of general equilibrium and its applications ...
    • 14.271 Industrial Organization I, Fall 2001 

      Ellison, Glenn, 1965-; Ellison, Sara Fisher (2001-12)
      Covers theoretical and empirical work dealing with the structure, behavior, and performance of firms and markets and core issues in antitrust. Topics include: the organization of the firm, monopoly, price discrimination, ...
    • 14.33 Economics Research and Communication, Spring 2002 

      Ellison, Sara Fisher (2002-06)
      Designed to expose students to the process of conducting independent research in empirical economics and effectively communicating the results of the research. Begins with an econometric analysis of an assigned economic ...
    • 14.452 Macroeconomic Theory II, Spring 2002 

      Blanchard, Olivier (Olivier J.) (2002-06)
      The basic machines of macroeconomics. Ramsey, Solow, Samuelson-Diamond, RBCs, ISLM, Mundell-Fleming, Fischer-Taylor. How they work, what shortcuts they take, and how they can be used. Half-term subject. From the course ...
    • 14.472 Public Economics II, Spring 2002 

      Diamond, Peter A.; Duggan, Mark G. (Mark Gregory) (2002-06)
      Theory and evidence on government expenditure policy. Topics include the theory of public goods; education; state and local public goods; political economy; redistribution and welfare policy; social insurance programs such ...
    • 17.100J / 14.781J / 15.678J Political Economy I: Theories of the State and the Economy, Fall 2002 

      Berger, Suzanne; Piore, Michael J. (2002-12)
      Critical analysis of liberal, neoclassical, and Marxist perspectives on modern society. Alternative theories of economic growth, historical change, the state, classes, and ideology. Description from course home page: ...
    • 14.41 Public Economics, Fall 2002 

      Gruber, Jonathan (2002-12)
      The study of the role of the government in the US economy. Topics include externalities and the environment; government-provided goods such as education; social insurance programs such as Social Security; government provision ...
    • 14.126 Game Theory, Fall 2002 

      Izmalkov, Sergei; Yildiz, Muhamet (2002-12)
      How should economic agents act when their optimal decisions depend on what they expect other agents to do? We study various models of equilibrium, which correspond to different ways that the agents might make their decisions, ...
    • 14.771 Development Economics: Microeconomic Issues and Policy Models, Fall 2002 

      Duflo, Esther, 1972-; Banerjee, Abhijit; Kremer, Michael (2002-12)
      Agricultural issues: peasant behavior, land tenancy, and interlinked markets. Credit and insurance market problems and institutions. Health, nutrition, and productivity. Gender bias. Education. Technological change. ...
    • 14.453 Macroeconomic Theory III, Fall 2002 

      Werning, Iván (2002-12)
      This course covers issues in the theory of consumption, investment and asset prices. We lay out the basic models first, and then examine the empirical facts that motivate extensions to these models.
    • 14.05 Intermediate Applied Macroeconomics, Fall 2002 

      Temin, Peter (2002-12)
      Uses the tools of macroeconomics to study three macroeconomic policy problems in depth. Possible topics include long-run economic growth, the macroeconomics of the transition to a modern capitalist society, federal government ...
    • 14.02 Principles of Macroeconomics, Fall 2002 

      Schaller, Huntley (2002-12)
      This course will provide an overview of macroeconomic issues: the determination of output, employment, unemployment, interest rates, and inflation. Monetary and fiscal policies are discussed, as are the public debt and ...
    • 14.12 Economic Applications of Game Theory, Fall 2002 

      Yildiz, Muhamet (2002-12)
      Analysis of strategic behavior in multi-person economic settings. Introduction to Nash equilibrium and its refinements: subgame-perfect equilibrium and sequential equilibrium. Applications drawn from labor economics, the ...
    • 14.384 Time Series Analysis, Fall 2002 

      Kuersteiner, Guido M. (2002-12)
      Theory and application of time series methods in econometrics, including representation theorems, decomposition theorems, prediction, spectral analysis, estimation with stationary and nonstationary processes, VARs, unit ...
    • 14.451 Macroeconomic Theory I, Spring 2003 

      Angeletos, Marios (2003-06)
      The first half of the semester is an introduction to the techniques and the applications of dynamic general equilibrium models, with particular emphasis on models of economic growth.
    • 14.124 Microeconomic Theory IV, Spring 2003 

      Holmstrom, Bengt (2003-06)
      The topic of the class is information economics. The purpose is to give an introduction to some of the main subjects in this field: risk sharing, moral hazard, adverse selection (signaling, screening), mechanism design, ...
    • 14.30 Introduction to Statistical Method in Economics, Spring 2003 

      Ellison, Sara Fisher (2003-06)
      This course will provide a solid foundation in probability and statistics for economists and other social scientists. We will emphasize topics needed in the further study of econometrics and provide basic preparation for ...
    • 14.32 Econometrics, Spring 2003 

      Angrist, Joshua David (2003-06)
      Introduction to econometric models and techniques, emphasizing regression. Advanced topics include instrumental variables, panel data methods, measurement error, and limited dependent variable models. Includes problem sets. ...