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dc.contributor.authorZhu, Hongwei
dc.contributor.authorSiegel, Michael
dc.contributor.authorMadnick, Stuart
dc.description.abstract“Sell Globally” and “Shop Globally” have been seen as a potential benefit of web-enabled electronic business. One important step toward realizing this benefit is to know how things are selling in various parts of the world. A global price comparison service would address this need. But there have not been many such services. In this paper, we use a case study of global price dispersion to illustrate the need and the value of a global price comparison service. Then we identify and discuss several technology challenges, including semantic heterogeneity, in providing a global price comparison service. We propose a mediation architecture to address the semantic heterogeneity problem, and demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed architecture by implementing a prototype that enables global price comparison using data from web sources in several countries.en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesMIT Sloan School of Management Working Paperen
dc.subjectGlobal Price Comparisonen
dc.subjectSemantic Data Integrationen
dc.subjectSemantic Heterogeneityen
dc.titleEnabling Global Price Comparison through Semantic Integration of Web Dataen
dc.typeWorking Paperen

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