Now showing items 6325-6344 of 56093

    • Cilllia: 3D Printed Micro-Pillar Structures for Surface Texture, Actuation and Sensing 

      Ou, Jifei; Dublon, Gershon; Cheng, Chin-Yi; Heibeck, Felix; Willis, Karl; e.a. (Association for Computing Machinery, 2016-05)
      This work presents a method for 3D printing hair-like structures on both flat and curved surfaces. It allows a user to design and fabricate hair geometries that are smaller than 100 micron. We built a software platform to ...
    • Cimple: instruction and memory level parallelism: a DSL for uncovering ILP and MLP 

      Kiriansky, Vladimir; Xu, Haoran; Rinard, Martin; Amarasinghe, Saman (Association of Computing Machinery, 2018-11)
      Modern out-of-order processors have increased capacity to exploit instruction level parallelism (ILP) and memory level parallelism (MLP), e.g., by using wide superscalar pipelines and vector execution units, as well as ...
    • Cinema 3D: large scale automultiscopic display 

      Efrat, Netalee; Didyk, Piotr; Levin, Anat; Foshey, Michael; Matusik, Wojciech (Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2016-07)
      While 3D movies are gaining popularity, viewers in a 3D cinema still need to wear cumbersome glasses in order to enjoy them. Automultiscopic displays provide a better alternative to the display of 3D content, as they present ...
    • Cingulate-Hippocampus Coherence and Trajectory Coding in a Sequential Choice Task 

      Remondes, Armando Miguel; Wilson, Matthew A. (Elsevier, 2013-11)
      Interactions between cortex and hippocampus are believed to play a role in the acquisition and maintenance of memories. Distinct types of coordinated oscillatory activity, namely at theta frequency, are hypothesized to ...
    • Cingulate-motor circuits update rule representations for sequential choice decisions 

      Takeuchi, Daigo; Roy, Dheeraj; Muralidhar, Shruti; Kawai, Takashi; Bari, Andrea; e.a. (Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2022)
      <jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>Anterior cingulate cortex mediates the flexible updating of an animal’s choice responses upon rule changes in the environment. However, how anterior cingulate cortex entrains motor ...
    • Cingulum-Callosal White-Matter Microstructure Associated with Emotional Dysregulation in Children: A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study 

      Hung, Yuwen; Uchida, Mai; Gaillard, Schuyler L; Woodworth, Hilary; Kelberman, Caroline; e.a. (Elsevier BV, 2020)
      © 2020 The Author(s) Emotional dysregulation symptoms in youth frequently predispose individuals to increased risk for mood disorders and other mental health difficulties. These symptoms are also known as a behavioral risk ...
    • Circadian Gating of the Cell Cycle Revealed in Single Cyanobacterial Cells 

      Pando, Bernardo Fabian; Dong, Guogang; Golden, Susan S.; van Oudenaarden, Alexander; Yang, Qiong, Ph. D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2010-03)
      Although major progress has been made in uncovering the machinery that underlies individual biological clocks, much less is known about how multiple clocks coordinate their oscillations. We simultaneously tracked cell ...
    • Circadian Rhythm Disruption Promotes Lung Tumorigenesis 

      Papagiannakopoulos, Thales; Bauer, Matthew R.; Davidson, Shawn M.; Heimann, Megan Kristianne; Subbaraj, Lakshmipriya; e.a. (Elsevier, 2018-07)
      Circadian rhythms are 24-hr oscillations that control a variety of biological processes in living systems, including two hallmarks of cancer, cell division and metabolism. Circadian rhythm disruption by shift work is ...
    • Circadian rhythm in critically ill patients: Insights from the eICU Database 

      Beyer, Sebastian E.; Salgado, Catia; Garçao, Ines; Celi, Leo Anthony G.; Vieira, Susana (Elsevier BV, 2021-02)
    • Circadian Rhythms in Rho1 Activity Regulate Neuronal Plasticity and Network Hierarchy 

      Petsakou, Afroditi; Blau, Justin; Sapsis, Themistoklis P. (Elsevier, 2015-07)
      Neuronal plasticity helps animals learn from their environment. However, it is challenging to link specific changes in defined neurons to altered behavior. Here, we focus on circadian rhythms in the structure of the principal ...
    • Circle of Willis anomalies in Turner syndrome: Absent A1 segment of the anterior cerebral artery 

      Kruszka, Paul; Buscetta, Ashley; Acosta, Maria T.; Banks, Nicole; Addissie, Yonit A.; e.a. (Wiley, 2019-10)
      Purpose: Turner syndrome (TS) is the most common sex chromosome disorder in women and is associated with a higher than expected death rate secondary to cerebrovascular disease, including stroke. This study evaluates the ...
    • Circle Packing for Origami Design Is Hard 

      Demaine, Erik D; Fekete, Sandor P.; Lang, Robert J. (AK Peters, Ltd. / CRC Press, 2011-06-21)
      Over the past 20 years, the world of origami has been changed by the introduction of design algorithms that bear a close relationship to, if not outright ancestry from, computational geometry. One of the first robust ...
    • Circuit Lower Bounds for Nondeterministic Quasi-polytime from a New Easy Witness Lemma 

      Murray, Cody D; Williams, R Ryan (Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics (SIAM), 2020)
      © 2020 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. We prove that if every problem in N P has nk-size circuits for a fixed constant k, then for every N P -verifier and every yes-instance x of length n for that verifier, ...
    • Circuit lower bounds for nondeterministic quasi-polytime: an easy witness lemma for NP and NQP 

      Murray, Cody (Cody Daniel); Williams, R Ryan (Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2018-06)
      We prove that if every problem in NP has nk-size circuits for a fixed constant k, then for every NP-verifier and every yes-instance x of length n for that verifier, the verifier’s search space has an nO(k3)size witness ...
    • A circuit mechanism for differentiating positive and negative associations 

      Namburi, Praneeth; Beyeler, Anna; Yorozu, Suzuko; Calhoon, Gwendolyn G.; Wichmann, Romy; e.a. (Nature Publishing Group, 2015-04)
      The ability to differentiate stimuli predicting positive or negative outcomes is critical for survival, and perturbations of emotional processing underlie many psychiatric disease states. Synaptic plasticity in the basolateral ...
    • Circuit models of stochastic genetic networks 

      Mandal, Soumyajit; Sarpeshkar, Rahul (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2009-12)
      We use analogies between chemistry and subthreshold electronics to develop fast, scalable, digitally programmable hardware models of stochastic genetic networks. We also present experimental results from a prototype 0.18 ...
    • Circuit synthesizable guaranteed passive modeling for multiport structures 

      Mahmood, Zohaib; Daniel, Luca (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2010-09)
      In this paper we present a highly efficient algorithm to automatically generate circuit synthesizable dynamical models for passive multiport structures. The algorithm is based on a natural convex relaxation of the original ...
    • Circuit-ABE from LWE: Unbounded Attributes and Semi-adaptive Security 

      Brakerski, Zvika; Vaikuntanathan, Vinod (Springer, 2016-07)
      We construct an LWE-based key-policy attribute-based encryption (ABE) scheme that supports attributes of unbounded polynomial length. Namely, the size of the public parameters is a fixed polynomial in the security parameter ...
    • Circuit-Selective Striatal Synaptic Dysfunction in the Sapap3 Knockout Mouse Model of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder 

      Wan, Yehong; Ade, Kristen K.; Caffall, Zachary; Ilcim Ozlu, M.; Eroglu, Cagla; e.a. (Elsevier, 2013-02)
      Background: Synapse-associated protein 90/postsynaptic density protein 95-associated protein 3 (SAPAP3) is an excitatory postsynaptic protein implicated in the pathogenesis of obsessive-compulsive behaviors. In mice, genetic ...
    • CircuitAssist: Automatically Dispensing Electronic Components to Facilitate Circuit Building 

      Peng, Tyler; Pochettino, Mora; Mueller, Stefanie (ACM|The Adjunct Publication of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 2022-10-29)