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dc.contributor.authorNguyen, Vy T.
dc.contributor.authorConrad, Janet
dc.contributor.authorKaragiorgi, Georgia Stelios
dc.contributor.authorMonroe, Jocelyn
dc.description.abstractWe report the first observation of off-axis neutrino interactions in the MiniBooNE detector from the NuMI beam line at Fermilab. The MiniBooNE detector is located 745 m from the NuMI production target, at 110 mrad angle (6.3°) with respect to the NuMI beam axis. Samples of charged-current quasielastic ν[subscript μ] and ν[subscript e] interactions are analyzed and found to be in agreement with expectation. This provides a direct verification of the expected pion and kaon contributions to the neutrino flux and validates the modeling of the NuMI off-axis beam.en
dc.description.sponsorshipNational Science Foundationen
dc.description.sponsorshipUnited States Department of Energyen
dc.publisherAmerican Physical Societyen
dc.rightsArticle is made available in accordance with the publisher's policy and may be subject to US copyright law. Please refer to the publisher's site for terms of use.en
dc.titleMeasurement of nu mu and nu e Events in an Off-Axis Horn-Focused Neutrino Beamen
dc.title.alternativeMeasurement of νμ and νe Events in an Off-Axis Horn-Focused Neutrino Beamen
dc.identifier.citationAdamson, P. et al. “Measurement of nu mu and nu e Events in an Off-Axis Horn-Focused Neutrino Beam.” Physical Review Letters 102.21 (2009): 211801. © 2009 The American Physical Societyen
dc.contributor.departmentMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Physicsen_US
dc.contributor.approverMonroe, Jocelyn
dc.contributor.mitauthorNguyen, Vy T.
dc.contributor.mitauthorConrad, Janet
dc.contributor.mitauthorKaragiorgi, Georgia Stelios
dc.contributor.mitauthorMonroe, Jocelyn
dc.relation.journalPhysical Review Lettersen
dc.eprint.versionFinal published versionen
dspace.orderedauthorsAdamson, P.; Aguilar-Arevalo, A.; Anderson, C.; Bazarko, A.; Bishai, M.; Brice, S.; Brown, B.; Bugel, L.; Cao, J.; Choudhary, B.; Coney, L.; Conrad, J.; Cox, D.; Curioni, A.; Djurcic, Z.; Finley, D.; Fleming, B.; Ford, R.; Gallagher, H.; Garcia, F.; Garvey, G.; Green, C.; Green, J.; Harris, D.; Hart, T.; Hawker, E.; Hylen, J.; Imlay, R.; Johnson, R.; Karagiorgi, G.; Kasper, P.; Katori, T.; Kobilarcik, T.; Kopp, S.; Kourbanis, I.; Koutsoliotas, S.; Laird, E.; Linden, S.; Link, J.; Liu, Y.; Liu, Y.; Loiacono, L.; Louis, W.; Marchionni, A.; Mahn, K.; Marsh, W.; McGregor, G.; Messier, M.; Metcalf, W.; Meyers, P.; Mills, F.; Mills, G.; Monroe, J.; Moore, C.; Nelson, J.; Nelson, R.; Nguyen, V.; Nienaber, P.; Nowak, J.; Ouedraogo, S.; Patterson, R.; Pavlovic, Z.; Perevalov, D.; Polly, C.; Prebys, E.; Raaf, J.; Ray, H.; Roe, B.; Russell, A.; Sandberg, V.; Schirato, R.; Schmitz, D.; Shaevitz, M.; Shoemaker, F.; Smart, W.; Smith, D.; Sodeberg, M.; Sorel, M.; Spentzouris, P.; Stancu, I.; Stefanski, R.; Sung, M.; Tanaka, H.; Tayloe, R.; Tzanov, M.; Vahle, P.; Van de Water, R.; Viren, B.; Wascko, M.; White, D.; Wilking, M.; Yang, H.; Yumiceva, F.; Zeller, G.; Zimmerman, E.; Zwaska, R.en

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