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dc.contributor.authorShetty, Reshma
dc.contributor.authorLizarazo, Meagan
dc.contributor.authorRettberg, Randy
dc.contributor.authorKnight, Thomas F., Jr.
dc.descriptionThis is a revised personal version of the text of the final journal article available via DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-385120-8.00013-9en_US
dc.description.abstractAn underlying goal of synthetic biology is to make the process of engineering biological systems easier and more reliable. In support of this goal, we developed BioBrick assembly standard 10 to enable the construction of systems from standardized genetic parts. The BioBrick standard underpins the distributed efforts by the synthetic biology research community to develop a collection of more than 6000 standard genetic parts available from the Registry of Standard Biological Parts. Here, we describe the three antibiotic assembly method for physical composition of BioBrick parts and provide step-by-step protocols. The method relies on a combination of positive and negative selection to eliminate time- and labor-intensive steps such as column cleanup and agarose gel purification of DNA during part assembly.en_US
dc.publisherElsevier Inc.en_US
dc.rightsAn error occurred on the license name.en
dc.rights.uriAn error occurred getting the license - uri.en
dc.subjectbiobrick partsen_US
dc.subjectDNA assemblyen_US
dc.titleAssembly of BioBrick standard biological parts using three antibiotic assemblyen_US
dc.typeBook chapteren_US
dc.identifier.citationShetty R, Lizarazo M, Rettberg R, Knight TF. Assembly of BioBrick standard biological parts using three antibiotic assembly. Methods Enzymol. 2011;498:311-26.en_US

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