1 | Introduction to Numerical Fluid Mechanics: Models to simulations, Error types. Approximation and round-off errors. | |
Recitation I: MATLAB Review | ||
2 | Round-off errors. Number representations. Errors of numerical operations. Recursion. Truncation errors, Taylor Series and Error analysis. Error propagation and Estimation. Condition numbers. | Homework 1 posted |
3 | Condition numbers. Roots of non-linear equations - Introduction and Bracketing Methods: Bisection/False Position. Open Methods: Open-Point Iteration/Newton-Raphson/Secant methods, Extension to systems of equations. | |
4 | Make-up Recitation: End of Roots of non-linear equations. Fluid flow modeling: the Navier-Stokes equations and their approximations: Conservation Laws, Material Derivative, Reynolds Transport Theorem. | |
5 | The Navier-Stokes equations and their approximations: Constitutive equations, compressible and incompressible, vorticity. | |
Student Holiday (no class) |
Homework 1 due; Homework 2 posted | |
6 | Approximations of the Navier-Stokes equations: Euler's equations, Bernouilli's theorems, potential flows and (boundary) integral equations. Systems of Linear Equations: Motivations and Plans, Direct Methods, Gauss Elimination. | |
7 | Systems of linear equations. Gaussian elimination (special cases, multiple right hand sides). LU decomposition and factorization, Pivoting. Error analysis for linear systems. Operations counts. | |
8 | Systems of linear equations. Special Matrices: LU Decompositions Tri-diagonal systems, General Banded Matrices, Symmetric, positive-definite Matrices. Introduction to iterative Methods. |
Homework 2 due; Homework 3 posted |
9 | Systems of linear equations. Iterative Methods: Jacobi's method, Gauss-Seidel iteration, Convergence, Successive Over-Relaxation Methods, Gradient Methods, Stop Criteria, Examples. | |
10 | End of systems of linear equations: Gradient methods, Pre-conditioning. Krylov Methods. Finite-Differences (FD): Classification of PDEs and examples, Error Types and discretization properties, Finite difference based on Taylor Series. | |
Columbus Day Holiday (no class) | ||
11 | FD schemes: Higher order accuracy differences and examples, Taylor tables or method of undetermined coefficients, Polynomial approximations (Newton, Lagrange, Hermite and Pade Schemes), Iterative improvements and extrapolations. |
Homework 3 due; Homework 4 posted |
12 | Finite-Differences: Boundary conditions, Non-Uniform Grids, Grid refinement, Fourier Analysis and Error Analysis. | |
13 | Finite-Differences: Fourier Error Analysis, Introduction to Stability: Heuristic, Energy and Von Neumann methods, Hyperbolic PDEs, Characteristics. |
Homework 4 due; Homework 5 posted |
Quiz 1 | ||
14 | Stability, Hyperbolic eqns. Revisited, CFL condition and Von Neumann stability, Elliptic Equations revisited and FD schemes. | |
15 | End of Elliptic/Hyperbolic equations, Special advection schemes (Donor Cell, Flux-corrected transport, WENO), Parabolic equations revisited and numerical FD schemes. | |
16 | Finite Volume Methods |
Homework 5 due; Homework 6 posted |
17 |
Finite Volume Methods (cont.) Methods for Unsteady Problems, Time Marching Methods. Ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Initial value problems. Euler's method. | |
18 | Methods for Unsteady Problems. Time Marching Methods. ODEs-IVP. Runge-Kutta methods. Higher order ODEs, Stiffness and multistep methods. | |
19 | Grid Generation and complex geometries |
Homework 6 due; Homework 7 posted |
20 |
Finite Volume on complex geometries. Finite Element methods: Introduction. Fluid Applications. | |
21 | Finite Element methods (cont.): Continuous Galerkin and Discontinuous Galerkin Methods. Spectral Methods. | |
22 | Inviscid Flow equations: Boundary Element methods. Panel methods. Solutions of the Navier Stokes Equation, incompressible. |
Homework 7 due; Homework 8 posted |
Quiz 2 | ||
23 | Solutions of the Navier Stokes Equation: incompressible and compressible. | |
24 | Solutions of the Navier Stokes Equation: incompressible and compressible. Pressure-correction, Fractional step, Vorticity, Artificial compressibility and other methods. | |
25 |
Solutions of the Navier Stokes Equation: incompressible and compressible, end. Boundary Layer equations, Special Topics, ODEs – Boundary value problems. | Homework 8 due |
26 | Turbulent flows: models and numerical simulations. | |
Final Project Presentations (Part I) | ||
Final Project Presentations (Part II) |