1 | Introduction to numerical fluid dynamics | (PDF - 1.8MB)
MATLAB® scripts:
- (ZIP) (This file contains: 3 .m files.)
- [Chapra and Canale]: sections 1.1–1.3 and 3.1–3.4
- [Ferziger and Peric]: chapters 1–2
2 | Approximation and round–off errors; truncation errors, Taylor series and error analysis | (PDF - 1.1MB) |
MATLAB scripts:
- (ZIP) (This file contains: 7 .m files.)
- [Chapra and Canale]: sections 3.1–3.4 and 4.1–4.4
3 | Condition numbers and roots of nonlinear equations: bracketing and open methods | (PDF - 1.6MB) |
MATLAB scripts:
- (ZIP) (This file contains: 4 .m files.)
- [Chapra and Canale]: sections 5.1–5.4 and 6.1–6.5
4 | Roots of nonlinear equations | (PDF - 1.2MB) |
MATLAB scripts:
- (ZIP) (This file contains: 4 .m files.)
- [Ferziger and Peric]: chapter 1
Kundu, P. K., and I. M. Cohen. Chapter 4 in Fluid Mechanics. 4th ed. Academic Press, 2007. ISBN: 9780123737359. [Preview with Google Books] -
White, F. M. Chapter 4 in Fluid Mechanics. 7th ed. McGraw–Hill Companies Inc., 2010. ISBN: 9780077422417.
5 | The Navier–Stokes equations and their approximations | (PDF) |
- [Ferziger and Peric]: chapter 1
Kundu, P. K., and I. M. Cohen. Chapter 4 in Fluid Mechanics. 4th ed. Academic Press, 2007. ISBN: 9780123737359. [Preview with Google Books] -
White, F. M. Chapter 4 in Fluid Mechanics. 7th ed. McGraw–Hill Companies Inc., 2010. ISBN: 9780077422417.
6 | Fluid flow modeling: the Navier–Stokes equations and their approximations (cont.) | (PDF - 1.1MB) |
- [Chapra and Canale]: sections 9.1–9.8
7 | Systems of linear equations | (PDF - 1.7MB) |
MATLAB scripts:
- (ZIP) (This file contains: 5 .m files.)
- [Chapra and Canale]: sections 9.1–9.8 and 10.1–10.3
- [Ferziger and Peric]: chapter 5
8 | Systems of linear equations II | (PDF - 1.9MB) |
MATLAB scripts:
- (ZIP) (This file contains: 4 .m files.)
- [Chapra and Canale]: sections 10.1–10.3 and 11.1
9 | Systems of linear equations III | (PDF - 4.3MB) |
- [Chapra and Canale]: sections 11.1–11.3
10 | Systems of linear equations IV | (PDF - 1.5MB) |
MATLAB scripts:
- (ZIP) (This file contains: 1 .m file.)
- [Chapra and Canale]: chapters 14, 23, and 18, and sections 8.1–8.2
- [Ferziger and Peric]: chapter 3
11 | End of linear algebraic systems and finite differences | (PDF - 1.0MB) |
MATLAB scripts:
- (ZIP) (This file contains: 2 .m files.)
- [Chapra and Canale]: chapters 23 and 18
- [Ferziger and Peric]: chapter 3
Lomax, H., T. Pulliam, and D. Zingg. Chapter 3 in Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics (Scientific Computation). Springer, 2004. ISBN: 9783540416074.
12 | Finite differences | (PDF - 1.2MB) |
MATLAB scripts:
- (ZIP) (This file contains: 1 .m file.)
- [Chapra and Canale]: chapters 23 and 18
- [Ferziger and Peric]: chapter 3
Lomax, H., T. Pulliam, and D. Zingg. Chapter 3 in Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics (Scientific Computation). Springer, 2004. ISBN: 9783540416074.
13 | Finite differences (cont.) | (PDF - 1.4MB) |
Lapidus, L., and G. Pinder. Section 4.5 from Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations in Science and Engineering. 1st ed. Wiley–Interscience, 1982. ISBN: 9780471098669. [Preview with Google Books] - [Ferziger and Peric]: chapter 3
Lomax, H., T. Pulliam, and D. Zingg. Chapter 3 in Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics (Scientific Computation). Springer, 2004. ISBN: 9783540416074.
14 | Finite differences (cont.) | (PDF - 1.0MB) |
- [Chapra and Canale]: sections 30.1–30.5
Lapidus, L., and G. Pinder. Section 4.5 from Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations in Science and Engineering. 1st ed. Wiley–Interscience, 1982. ISBN: 9780471098669. [Preview with Google Books]
15 | Finite differences (cont.) | (PDF) |
MATLAB scripts:
- (ZIP) (This file contains: 2 .m files.)
- [Chapra and Canale]: sections 29.1–29.5
16 | Finite differences (cont.) | (PDF - 2.5MB) |
MATLAB scripts:
- (ZIP) (This file contains: 3 .m files.)
- [Chapra and Canale]: section 29.4
- [Ferziger and Peric]: chapter 4
Lomax, H., T. Pulliam, and D. Zingg. Chapter 5 in Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics (Scientific Computation). Springer, 2004. ISBN: 9783540416074. - [Cebeci, et al]: section 5.6
17 | Finite differences (cont.) | (PDF - 1.9MB) |
MATLAB scripts:
- (ZIP) (This file contains: 8 .m files.)
- [Ferziger and Peric]: chapters 4 and 6
Lomax, H., T. Pulliam, and D. Zingg. Chapter 5 and 6 in Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics (Scientific Computation). Springer, 2004. ISBN: 9783540416074. - [Chapra and Canale]: sections 25.1–25.2
18 | Finite volume methods | (PDF) |
- [Ferziger and Peric]: chapter 6
Lomax, H., T. Pulliam, and D. Zingg. Chapter 6 in Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics (Scientific Computation). Springer, 2004. ISBN: 9783540416074. - [Chapra and Canale]: sections 25.3–25.5 and chapter 26
19 | Finite volume methods (cont.) | (PDF) |
- [Cebeci, et al]: chapter 9
- [Ferziger and Peric]: chapter 8
20 | Time–marching methods and ODEs – initial value problems | (PDF - 2.1MB) |
MATLAB scripts:
- (ZIP) (This file contains: 6 .m files.)
- [Chapra and Canale]: sections 31.1–31.4
- [Cebeci et al]: chapter 6
21 | End of time–marching methods, grid generation and complex geometries | (PDF - 1.7MB) |
- [Chapra and Canale]: sections 31.1–31.4
- [Cebeci, et al]: chapter 6
Wendt, J. F., ed. Chapter 10 in Computational Fluid Dynamics: An Introduction. Springer, 1996. ISBN: 9780387594712. - Chapters 4 and 8 from Lohner
22 | Grid generation and intro to FV complex geometries | (PDF - 1.4MB) |
- [Cebeci, et al]: chapters 6 and 11
- [Ferziger and Peric]: chapter 7
23 | Grid generation (end), FV on complex geometries and solution to the Navier–Stokes equations | (PDF - 1.5MB) |
- [Ferziger and Peric]: chapter 7
- [Cebeci, et al]: chapter 11
24 | Numerical methods for the Navier–Stokes equations | (PDF) |
- [Ferziger and Peric]: chapter 7
- [Cebeci, et al]: chapter 11
25 | Navier–Stokes equations and intro to finite elements | (PDF) |
- [Cebeci, et al]: chapter 7
- [Chapra and Canale]: sections 27.1–27.3
26 | Navier–Stokes equations and intro to finite elements (cont.) | (PDF) |
- [Ferziger and Peric]: chapter 9
- [Cebeci, et al]: chapter 3
27 | Finite elements and intro to turbulent flows | (PDF - 1.4MB) |
- [Chapra and Canale]: chapter 31
- [Ferziger and Peric]: chapter 9
Versteeg, H., and W. Malalasekra. Chapter 3 in An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Finite Volume Method. 2nd ed. Prentice Hall, 2007. ISBN: 9780131274983. -
Kundu, P. K., and I. M. Cohen. Chapter 4 in Fluid Mechanics. 4th ed. Academic Press, 2007. ISBN: 9780123737359. [Preview with Google Books] - [Cebeci, et al]: chapter 3
28 | Turbulent flows and their numerical modeling | (PDF) |
- [Ferziger and Peric]: chapter 9
Versteeg, H., and W. Malalasekra. Chapter 3 in An Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Finite Volume Method. 2nd ed. Prentice Hall, 2007. ISBN: 9780131274983. -
Kundu, P. K., and I. M. Cohen. Chapter 4 in Fluid Mechanics. 4th ed. Academic Press, 2007. ISBN: 9780123737359. [Preview with Google Books] - [Cebeci, et al]: chapter 3