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10.450 Process Dynamics, Operations, and Control, Spring 2003

A graph from study materials.
A graph from study materials. (Image by Dr. Barry Johnston, study materials section.)

Highlights of this Course

Materials for this course include a complete set of lecture notes, and assignments with solutions.

Course Description

Introduction to dynamic processes and the engineering tasks of process operations and control. Subject covers modeling the static and dynamic behavior of processes; control strategies; design of feedback, feedforward, and other control structures; model-based control; applications to process equipment.

Technical Requirements

Any number of software tools can be used to import the .csv files found on this course site. Please refer to the course materials for any specific instructions or recommendations.
MATLAB® software is required to run the .m files found on this course site.

MATLAB® is a trademark of The MathWorks, Inc.



Dr. Barry Johnston

Course Meeting Times

Three sessions / week
1 hour / session




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