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Study Materials

The "2nd order step" data samples found on this page are all supplements to Lecture 9. Any number of software tools can be used to import the .csv files in this section.
  • 10450lab.csv (CSV)
  • 2nd order step negative excursion (PDF)
  • 2nd order step positive excursion (PDF)
  • 2nd order step overdamped pseudo-first-order (PDF)
  • 2nd order step overdamped inverse (PDF)
  • 2nd order step overdamped overshoot (PDF)
  • 2nd order step classic overdamped (PDF)
  • 2nd order step oscil instability with inverse (PDF)
  • 2nd order step oscil instability (PDF)
  • 2nd order step stability boundary (PDF)
  • 2nd order step underdamped pseudo-first-order (PDF)
  • 2nd order step underdamped inverse (PDF)
  • 2nd order step classic underdamped (PDF)