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I want you to learn about:
  • Systems that vary in time, with some tools for attacking the problems
  • Single-loop feedback control of processes--concepts, terminology, methods, and performance
  • Some ways to enhance feedback control
  • Some of the hardware used in a control system
I plan to show you:
  • How to represent dynamic systems by equations and by transfer functions in block diagrams
  • How to solve linear, constant-coefficient ODEs by Laplace transform and numerical methods
  • How dynamic systems respond to disturbances, particularly impulse, step, and oscillatory
  • How to calculate and use the frequency response of a system
  • How to estimate the stability limits for system, with or without control
  • How to tune a single-loop controller for better response
  • How to enhance feedback control with cascade, feedforward, and model-based structures
  • An overview of sensors, valves, transducers, controllers--both hardware and performance
Marlin. Process Control. 2nd ed. McGraw-Hill, 2000.: Lots of material, good explanations, and an industrial/applied point of view. Keep it if you plan to do further work in control.
There will be two tests and a final. Your grade will also be influenced by problem sets.

44% Problem Sets (11)
32% Tests (2)
24% Final Exam

The grade for either test may be raised by reworking the test out of class and turning it in the next class meeting. Final test grade will then be 2/3 in-class and 1/3 at-home. Up to 5 bonus points will be added to the at-home grade for creativity in presentation.

If you have a suggestion, a request, or if something you thought you understood becomes unclear, or after 40 minutes of lecturing the instructor is still making no sense whatsoever, fill out a fix-it and turn it in after class. Fix-it forms will be provided, or you can use your own paper. Expect a response by the next class period.
Late Submission of Work
Problem sets are due on the dates given in the schedule. Extensions cost 10 percent for each 24 hr beyond the deadline, up to a maximum of 30 percent. Medical and beyond-your-control problems will be dealt with individually. Plan trips and other scheduled activities are not beyond your control--allocate your time to accomplish all your obligations.
Contact with Staff
I would like for you to learn the material and make a high grade in the course. Please do not suffer in silence--questions are welcome in class or out! Make an appointment, or drop by. I mean it.