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dc.contributor.authorKotek, Hadas
dc.description.abstractPrior work on wh-movement has distinguished among several types of wh-fronting languages that permit distinct patterns of overt and covert movement, instantiated for example by the Slavic languages, English, and German. This paper extends the cross-linguistic typology of multiple questions by arguing that Hebrew instantiates a new kind of wh-fronting language, unlike any that are discussed in the current literature. It will show that Hebrew distinguishes between two kinds of interrogative phrases: those that are headed by a wh-word (wh-headed phrases: what, who, [[subscript DP] which X], where, how…) and those that contain a wh-word but are headed by some other element (wh-containing phrases: [[subscript NP] N of wh], [[subscript PP] P wh]). We observe the special status of wh-headed phrases when one occurs structurally lower in a question than a wh-containing phrase. In that case, the wh-headed phrase can be targeted by an Agree/Attract operation that ignores the presence of the c-commanding wh-containing phrase. The paper develops an account of the sensitivity of interrogative probing operations to the head of the interrogative phrase within Cable’s (2010) Q-particle theory. It proposes that the Hebrew Q has an EPP feature which can trigger head-movement of wh to Q and that a wh-probe exists alongside the more familiar Q-probe, and shows how these two modifications to the theory can account for the intricate dataset that emerges from the paper. The emerging picture is one in which interrogative probing does not occur wholesale but rather can be sensitive to particular interrogative features on potential goals.en_US
dc.publisherSpringer Netherlandsen_US
dc.rightsArticle is made available in accordance with the publisher's policy and may be subject to US copyright law. Please refer to the publisher's site for terms of use.en_US
dc.sourceSpringer Netherlandsen_US
dc.titleWh-Fronting in a two-probe systemen_US
dc.identifier.citationKotek, Hadas. “Wh-Fronting in a Two-Probe System.” Nat Lang Linguist Theory 32, no. 4 (May 15, 2014): 1105–1143.en_US
dc.contributor.departmentMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Linguistics and Philosophyen_US
dc.contributor.mitauthorKotek, Hadasen_US
dc.relation.journalNatural Language & Linguistic Theoryen_US
dc.eprint.versionAuthor's final manuscripten_US
dc.rights.holderSpringer Science+Business Media Dordrecht
dspace.orderedauthorsKotek, Hadasen_US

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