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dc.contributor.authorChere, Eyob K.
dc.contributor.authorZhang, Qian
dc.contributor.authorYao, Mengliang
dc.contributor.authorCao, Feng
dc.contributor.authorSun, Jingying
dc.contributor.authorChen, Shuo
dc.contributor.authorOpeil, Cyril
dc.contributor.authorRen, Zhifeng
dc.contributor.authorMcEnaney, Kenneth
dc.description.abstractLead telluride and its alloys have been extensively studied for medium temperature thermoelectric applications due to decent figure-of-merit (ZT) at temperature close to 900 K. However, little emphasis has been given to improve the ZT near room temperature. In this investigation, we report a systematic study of Cr doping in PbTe[subscript 1−y]Se[subscript y] with y=0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.85, and 1. We found the peak ZT temperature increased with increasing concentration of Se. The highest ZT of ~0.6 at room temperature in Te-rich Cr[subscript 0.015]Pb[subscript 0.985]Te[subscript 0.75]Se[subscript 0.25] was obtained due to a lowered thermal conductivity and enhanced power factor resulted from high Seebeck coefficient of about −220 µV K[superscript −1] and high Hall mobility ~1120 cm[superscript 2] V[superscript −1] s[superscript −1] at room temperature. A room temperature ZT of ~0.5 and peak ZT of ~1 at about 573–673 K is shown by Se-rich sample Cr[subscript 0.01]Pb[subscript 0.99]Te[subscript 0.25]Se[subscript 0.75]. This improvement of the room temperature ZT improved the average ZT over a wide temperature range and could potentially lead to a single leg efficiency of thermoelectric conversion for Te-rich Cr[subscript 0.015]Pb[subscript 0.985]Te[subscript 0.75]Se[subscript 0.25] up to ~11% and Se-rich Cr[subscript 0.01]Pb[subscript 0.99]Te[subscript 0.25]Se[subscript 0.75] up to ~13% with cold side and hot side temperature at 300 K and 873 K, respectively, if matched with appropriate p-type legs.en_US
dc.rightsCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs Licenseen_US
dc.sourceProf. Chenen_US
dc.titleEnhancement of thermoelectric performance in n-type PbTe[subscript 1−y]Se[subscript y] by doping Cr and tuning Te:Se ratioen_US
dc.title.alternativeEnhancement of thermoelectric performance in n-type PbTe1−ySey by doping Cr and tuning Te:Se ratioen_US
dc.identifier.citationChere, Eyob K. et al. “Enhancement of Thermoelectric Performance in N-Type PbTe[subscript 1−y]Se[subscript y] by Doping Cr and Tuning Te:Se Ratio.” Nano Energy 13 (2015): 355–367.en_US
dc.contributor.departmentMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Mechanical Engineeringen_US
dc.contributor.approverChen, Gangen_US
dc.contributor.mitauthorMcEnaney, Kenneth
dc.contributor.mitauthorChen, Shuo
dc.relation.journalNano Energyen_US
dc.eprint.versionAuthor's final manuscripten_US
dspace.orderedauthorsChere, Eyob K.; Zhang, Qian; McEnaney, Kenneth; Yao, Mengliang; Cao, Feng; Sun, Jingying; Chen, Shuo; Opeil, Cyril; Chen, Gang; Ren, Zhifengen_US

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