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dc.contributor.authorLees, J. P.
dc.contributor.authorPoireau, V.
dc.contributor.authorTisserand, V.
dc.contributor.authorGrauges, E.
dc.contributor.authorPalano, A.
dc.contributor.authorEigen, G.
dc.contributor.authorBrown, D. N.
dc.contributor.authorKolomensky, Yu. G.
dc.contributor.authorFritsch, M.
dc.contributor.authorKoch, H.
dc.contributor.authorSchroeder, T.
dc.contributor.authorHearty, C.
dc.contributor.authorMattison, T. S.
dc.contributor.authorMcKenna, J. A.
dc.contributor.authorSo, R. Y.
dc.contributor.authorBlinov, V. E.
dc.contributor.authorBuzykaev, A. R.
dc.contributor.authorDruzhinin, V. P.
dc.contributor.authorGolubev, V. B.
dc.contributor.authorKravchenko, E. A.
dc.contributor.authorOnuchin, A. P.
dc.contributor.authorSerednyakov, S. I.
dc.contributor.authorSkovpen, Yu. I.
dc.contributor.authorSolodov, E. P.
dc.contributor.authorTodyshev, K. Yu.
dc.contributor.authorLankford, A. J.
dc.contributor.authorGary, J. W.
dc.contributor.authorLong, O.
dc.contributor.authorEisner, A. M.
dc.contributor.authorLockman, W. S.
dc.contributor.authorPanduro Vazquez, W.
dc.contributor.authorChao, D. S.
dc.contributor.authorCheng, C. H.
dc.contributor.authorEchenard, B.
dc.contributor.authorFlood, K. T.
dc.contributor.authorHitlin, D. G.
dc.contributor.authorKim, J.
dc.contributor.authorMiyashita, T. S.
dc.contributor.authorOngmongkolkul, P.
dc.contributor.authorPorter, F. C.
dc.contributor.authorRöhrken, M.
dc.contributor.authorHuard, Z.
dc.contributor.authorMeadows, B. T.
dc.contributor.authorPushpawela, B. G.
dc.contributor.authorSokoloff, M. D.
dc.contributor.authorSmith, J. G.
dc.contributor.authorWagner, S. R.
dc.contributor.authorBernard, D.
dc.contributor.authorVerderi, M.
dc.contributor.authorBettoni, D.
dc.contributor.authorBozzi, C.
dc.contributor.authorCalabrese, R.
dc.contributor.authorCibinetto, G.
dc.contributor.authorFioravanti, E.
dc.contributor.authorGarzia, I.
dc.contributor.authorLuppi, E.
dc.contributor.authorSantoro, V.
dc.contributor.authorCalcaterra, A.
dc.contributor.authorde Sangro, R.
dc.contributor.authorFinocchiaro, G.
dc.contributor.authorMartellotti, S.
dc.contributor.authorPatteri, P.
dc.contributor.authorPeruzzi, I. M.
dc.contributor.authorPiccolo, M.
dc.contributor.authorRotondo, M.
dc.contributor.authorZallo, A.
dc.contributor.authorPassaggio, S.
dc.contributor.authorPatrignani, C.
dc.contributor.authorLacker, H. M.
dc.contributor.authorBhuyan, B.
dc.contributor.authorMallik, U.
dc.contributor.authorChen, C.
dc.contributor.authorCochran, J.
dc.contributor.authorPrell, S.
dc.contributor.authorAhmed, H.
dc.contributor.authorGritsan, A. V.
dc.contributor.authorArnaud, N.
dc.contributor.authorDavier, M.
dc.contributor.authorLe Diberder, F.
dc.contributor.authorLutz, A. M.
dc.contributor.authorWormser, G.
dc.contributor.authorLange, D. J.
dc.contributor.authorWright, D. M.
dc.contributor.authorColeman, J. P.
dc.contributor.authorGabathuler, E.
dc.contributor.authorHutchcroft, D. E.
dc.contributor.authorPayne, D. J.
dc.contributor.authorTouramanis, C.
dc.contributor.authorBevan, A. J.
dc.contributor.authorDi Lodovico, F.
dc.contributor.authorSacco, R.
dc.contributor.authorCowan, G.
dc.contributor.authorBanerjee, Sw.
dc.contributor.authorBrown, D. N.
dc.contributor.authorDavis, C. L.
dc.contributor.authorDenig, A. G.
dc.contributor.authorGradl, W.
dc.contributor.authorGriessinger, K.
dc.contributor.authorHafner, A.
dc.contributor.authorSchubert, K. R.
dc.contributor.authorBarlow, R. J.
dc.contributor.authorLafferty, G. D.
dc.contributor.authorCenci, R.
dc.contributor.authorJawahery, A.
dc.contributor.authorRoberts, D. A.
dc.contributor.authorRobertson, S. H.
dc.contributor.authorDey, B.
dc.contributor.authorNeri, N.
dc.contributor.authorPalombo, F.
dc.contributor.authorCheaib, R.
dc.contributor.authorCremaldi, L.
dc.contributor.authorGodang, R.
dc.contributor.authorSummers, D. J.
dc.contributor.authorTaras, P.
dc.contributor.authorDe Nardo, G.
dc.contributor.authorSciacca, C.
dc.contributor.authorRaven, G.
dc.contributor.authorJessop, C. P.
dc.contributor.authorLoSecco, J. M.
dc.contributor.authorHonscheid, K.
dc.contributor.authorKass, R.
dc.contributor.authorGaz, A.
dc.contributor.authorMargoni, M.
dc.contributor.authorPosocco, M.
dc.contributor.authorSimi, G.
dc.contributor.authorSimonetto, F.
dc.contributor.authorStroili, R.
dc.contributor.authorAkar, S.
dc.contributor.authorBen-Haim, E.
dc.contributor.authorBomben, M.
dc.contributor.authorBonneaud, G. R.
dc.contributor.authorCalderini, G.
dc.contributor.authorChauveau, J.
dc.contributor.authorMarchiori, G.
dc.contributor.authorOcariz, J.
dc.contributor.authorBiasini, M.
dc.contributor.authorManoni, E.
dc.contributor.authorRossi, A.
dc.contributor.authorBatignani, G.
dc.contributor.authorBettarini, S.
dc.contributor.authorCarpinelli, M.
dc.contributor.authorCasarosa, G.
dc.contributor.authorChrzaszcz, M.
dc.contributor.authorForti, F.
dc.contributor.authorGiorgi, M. A.
dc.contributor.authorLusiani, A.
dc.contributor.authorOberhof, B.
dc.contributor.authorPaoloni, E.
dc.contributor.authorRama, M.
dc.contributor.authorRizzo, G.
dc.contributor.authorWalsh, J. J.
dc.contributor.authorSmith, A. J. S.
dc.contributor.authorAnulli, F.
dc.contributor.authorFaccini, R.
dc.contributor.authorFerrarotto, F.
dc.contributor.authorFerroni, F.
dc.contributor.authorPilloni, A.
dc.contributor.authorPiredda, G.
dc.contributor.authorBünger, C.
dc.contributor.authorDittrich, S.
dc.contributor.authorGrünberg, O.
dc.contributor.authorHeß, M.
dc.contributor.authorLeddig, T.
dc.contributor.authorVoß, C.
dc.contributor.authorWaldi, R.
dc.contributor.authorAdye, T.
dc.contributor.authorWilson, F. F.
dc.contributor.authorEmery, S.
dc.contributor.authorVasseur, G.
dc.contributor.authorAston, D.
dc.contributor.authorCartaro, C.
dc.contributor.authorConvery, M. R.
dc.contributor.authorDorfan, J.
dc.contributor.authorDunwoodie, W.
dc.contributor.authorEbert, M.
dc.contributor.authorField, R. C.
dc.contributor.authorFulsom, B. G.
dc.contributor.authorGraham, M. T.
dc.contributor.authorHast, C.
dc.contributor.authorInnes, W. R.
dc.contributor.authorKim, P.
dc.contributor.authorLeith, D. W. G. S.
dc.contributor.authorLuitz, S.
dc.contributor.authorMacFarlane, D. B.
dc.contributor.authorMuller, D. R.
dc.contributor.authorNeal, H.
dc.contributor.authorRatcliff, B. N.
dc.contributor.authorRoodman, A.
dc.contributor.authorSullivan, M. K.
dc.contributor.authorVa’vra, J.
dc.contributor.authorWisniewski, W. J.
dc.contributor.authorPurohit, M. V.
dc.contributor.authorWilson, J. R.
dc.contributor.authorRandle-Conde, A.
dc.contributor.authorSekula, S. J.
dc.contributor.authorBellis, M.
dc.contributor.authorBurchat, P. R.
dc.contributor.authorPuccio, E. M. T.
dc.contributor.authorAlam, M. S.
dc.contributor.authorErnst, J. A.
dc.contributor.authorGorodeisky, R.
dc.contributor.authorGuttman, N.
dc.contributor.authorPeimer, D. R.
dc.contributor.authorSoffer, A.
dc.contributor.authorSpanier, S. M.
dc.contributor.authorRitchie, J. L.
dc.contributor.authorSchwitters, R. F.
dc.contributor.authorIzen, J. M.
dc.contributor.authorLou, X. C.
dc.contributor.authorBianchi, F.
dc.contributor.authorDe Mori, F.
dc.contributor.authorFilippi, A.
dc.contributor.authorGamba, D.
dc.contributor.authorLanceri, L.
dc.contributor.authorVitale, L.
dc.contributor.authorMartinez-Vidal, F.
dc.contributor.authorOyanguren, A.
dc.contributor.authorAlbert, J.
dc.contributor.authorBeaulieu, A.
dc.contributor.authorBernlochner, F. U.
dc.contributor.authorKing, G. J.
dc.contributor.authorKowalewski, R.
dc.contributor.authorLueck, T.
dc.contributor.authorNugent, I. M.
dc.contributor.authorRoney, J. M.
dc.contributor.authorSobie, R. J.
dc.contributor.authorTasneem, N.
dc.contributor.authorGershon, T. J.
dc.contributor.authorHarrison, P. F.
dc.contributor.authorLatham, T. E.
dc.contributor.authorPrepost, R.
dc.contributor.authorWu, S. L.
dc.contributor.authorSun, L.
dc.contributor.authorBaBar Collaboration
dc.contributor.authorCowan, Ray F
dc.description.abstractWe measure the mass difference, Δm₊, between the D*(2010)⁺ and the D⁺ using the decay chain D*(2010)⁺→D⁺π⁰ with D⁺→K⁻π⁺π⁺. The data were recorded with the BABAR detector at center-of-mass energies at and near the ϒ(4S) resonance, and correspond to an integrated luminosity of approximately 468  fb⁻¹. We measure Δm₊=(140 601.0±6.8[stat]±12.9[syst])  keV. We combine this result with a previous BABAR measurement of Δm₀≡m(D*(2010)⁺)-m(D⁰) to obtain Δm[subscript D]=m(D⁺)-m(D⁰)=(4824.9±6.8[stat]±12.9[syst])  keV. These results are compatible with and approximately five times more precise than the Particle Data Group averages.en_US
dc.publisherAmerican Physical Societyen_US
dc.rightsArticle is made available in accordance with the publisher's policy and may be subject to US copyright law. Please refer to the publisher's site for terms of use.en_US
dc.sourceAmerican Physical Societyen_US
dc.titleMeasurement of the D*(2010)⁺−D⁺ Mass Differenceen_US
dc.identifier.citationLees, J. P. et al. "Measurement of the D*(2010)⁺−D⁺ Mass Difference." Physical Review Letters 119, 20 (November 2017): 202003 © 2017 American Physical Societyen_US
dc.contributor.departmentMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Laboratory for Nuclear Scienceen_US
dc.contributor.mitauthorCowan, Ray F
dc.relation.journalPhysical Review Lettersen_US
dc.eprint.versionFinal published versionen_US
dc.rights.holderAmerican Physical Society
dspace.orderedauthorsLees, J. P.; Poireau, V.; Tisserand, V.; Grauges, E.; Palano, A.; Eigen, G.; Brown, D. N.; Kolomensky, Yu. G.; Fritsch, M.; Koch, H.; Schroeder, T.; Hearty, C.; Mattison, T. S.; McKenna, J. A.; So, R. Y.; Blinov, V. E.; Buzykaev, A. R.; Druzhinin, V. P.; Golubev, V. B.; Kravchenko, E. A.; Onuchin, A. P.; Serednyakov, S. I.; Skovpen, Yu. I.; Solodov, E. P.; Todyshev, K. Yu.; Lankford, A. J.; Gary, J. W.; Long, O.; Eisner, A. M.; Lockman, W. S.; Panduro Vazquez, W.; Chao, D. S.; Cheng, C. H.; Echenard, B.; Flood, K. T.; Hitlin, D. G.; Kim, J.; Miyashita, T. S.; Ongmongkolkul, P.; Porter, F. C.; Röhrken, M.; Huard, Z.; Meadows, B. T.; Pushpawela, B. G.; Sokoloff, M. D.; Smith, J. G.; Wagner, S. R.; Bernard, D.; Verderi, M.; Bettoni, D.; Bozzi, C.; Calabrese, R.; Cibinetto, G.; Fioravanti, E.; Garzia, I.; Luppi, E.; Santoro, V.; Calcaterra, A.; de Sangro, R.; Finocchiaro, G.; Martellotti, S.; Patteri, P.; Peruzzi, I. M.; Piccolo, M.; Rotondo, M.; Zallo, A.; Passaggio, S.; Patrignani, C.; Lacker, H. M.; Bhuyan, B.; Mallik, U.; Chen, C.; Cochran, J.; Prell, S.; Ahmed, H.; Gritsan, A. V.; Arnaud, N.; Davier, M.; Le Diberder, F.; Lutz, A. M.; Wormser, G.; Lange, D. J.; Wright, D. M.; Coleman, J. P.; Gabathuler, E.; Hutchcroft, D. E.; Payne, D. J.; Touramanis, C.; Bevan, A. J.; Di Lodovico, F.; Sacco, R.; Cowan, G.; Banerjee, Sw.; Brown, D. N.; Davis, C. L.; Denig, A. G.; Gradl, W.; Griessinger, K.; Hafner, A.; Schubert, K. R.; Barlow, R. J.; Lafferty, G. D.; Cenci, R.; Jawahery, A.; Roberts, D. A.; Cowan, R.; Robertson, S. H.; Dey, B.; Neri, N.; Palombo, F.; Cheaib, R.; Cremaldi, L.; Godang, R.; Summers, D. J.; Taras, P.; De Nardo, G.; Sciacca, C.; Raven, G.; Jessop, C. P.; LoSecco, J. M.; Honscheid, K.; Kass, R.; Gaz, A.; Margoni, M.; Posocco, M.; Simi, G.; Simonetto, F.; Stroili, R.; Akar, S.; Ben-Haim, E.; Bomben, M.; Bonneaud, G. R.; Calderini, G.; Chauveau, J.; Marchiori, G.; Ocariz, J.; Biasini, M.; Manoni, E.; Rossi, A.; Batignani, G.; Bettarini, S.; Carpinelli, M.; Casarosa, G.; Chrzaszcz, M.; Forti, F.; Giorgi, M. A.; Lusiani, A.; Oberhof, B.; Paoloni, E.; Rama, M.; Rizzo, G.; Walsh, J. J.; Smith, A. J. S.; Anulli, F.; Faccini, R.; Ferrarotto, F.; Ferroni, F.; Pilloni, A.; Piredda, G.; Bünger, C.; Dittrich, S.; Grünberg, O.; Heß, M.; Leddig, T.; Voß, C.; Waldi, R.; Adye, T.; Wilson, F. F.; Emery, S.; Vasseur, G.; Aston, D.; Cartaro, C.; Convery, M. R.; Dorfan, J.; Dunwoodie, W.; Ebert, M.; Field, R. C.; Fulsom, B. G.; Graham, M. T.; Hast, C.; Innes, W. R.; Kim, P.; Leith, D. W. G. S.; Luitz, S.; MacFarlane, D. B.; Muller, D. R.; Neal, H.; Ratcliff, B. N.; Roodman, A.; Sullivan, M. K.; Va’vra, J.; Wisniewski, W. J.; Purohit, M. V.; Wilson, J. R.; Randle-Conde, A.; Sekula, S. J.; Bellis, M.; Burchat, P. R.; Puccio, E. M. T.; Alam, M. S.; Ernst, J. A.; Gorodeisky, R.; Guttman, N.; Peimer, D. R.; Soffer, A.; Spanier, S. M.; Ritchie, J. L.; Schwitters, R. F.; Izen, J. M.; Lou, X. C.; Bianchi, F.; De Mori, F.; Filippi, A.; Gamba, D.; Lanceri, L.; Vitale, L.; Martinez-Vidal, F.; Oyanguren, A.; Albert, J.; Beaulieu, A.; Bernlochner, F. U.; King, G. J.; Kowalewski, R.; Lueck, T.; Nugent, I. M.; Roney, J. M.; Sobie, R. J.; Tasneem, N.; Gershon, T. J.; Harrison, P. F.; Latham, T. E.; Prepost, R.; Wu, S. L.; Sun, L.en_US

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