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dc.contributor.authorZhen, Bo
dc.contributor.authorChua, Song Liang
dc.contributor.authorLee, Jeongwon
dc.contributor.authorRodriguez, Alejandro
dc.contributor.authorLiang, Xiangdong
dc.contributor.authorJohnson, Steven G
dc.contributor.authorJoannopoulos, John
dc.contributor.authorSoljacic, Marin
dc.contributor.authorShapira, Ofer
dc.description.abstractThe nature of light interaction with matter can be dramatically altered in optical cavities, often inducing nonclassical behavior. In solid-state systems, excitons need to be spatially incorporated within nanostructured cavities to achieve such behavior. Although fascinating phenomena have been observed with inorganic nanostructures, the incorporation of organic molecules into the typically inorganic cavity is more challenging. Here,we present a unique optofluidic platform comprising organic molecules in solution suspended on a photonic crystal surface, which supports macroscopic Fano resonances and allows strong and tunable interactions with the molecules anywhere along the surface. We develop a theoretical framework of this system and present a rigorous comparison with experimental measurements, showing dramatic spectral and angular enhancement of emission. We then demonstrate tha t these enhancement mechanisms enable lasing of only a 100-nm thin layer of diluted solution of organic molecules with substantially reduced threshold intensity, which has important implications for organic light-emitting devices and molecular sensing. Keywords: flourescence enhancement; enhanced light-matter interactionen_US
dc.description.sponsorshipUnited States. Department of Energy. Office of Basic Energy Sciences (Grant DE-SC0001299)en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipUnited States. Army Research Office (Contract W911NF-07-D0004)en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipNational Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award DMR-0819762)en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipUnited States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Contract N66001-09-1-2070-DOD)en_US
dc.publisherNational Academy of Sciences (U.S.)en_US
dc.rightsArticle is made available in accordance with the publisher's policy and may be subject to US copyright law. Please refer to the publisher's site for terms of use.en_US
dc.sourceNational Academy of Sciencesen_US
dc.titleEnabling enhanced emission and low-threshold lasing of organic molecules using special Fano resonances of macroscopic photonic crystalsen_US
dc.identifier.citationZhen, Bo et al. “Enabling Enhanced Emission and Low-Threshold Lasing of Organic Molecules Using Special Fano Resonances of Macroscopic Photonic Crystals.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110, 34 (August 2013): 13711–13716 © 2013 National Academy of Sciencesen_US
dc.contributor.departmentMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Research Laboratory of Electronicsen_US
dc.contributor.mitauthorZhen, Bo
dc.contributor.mitauthorChua, Song Liang
dc.contributor.mitauthorLee, Jeongwon
dc.contributor.mitauthorRodriguez, Alejandro
dc.contributor.mitauthorLiang, Xiangdong
dc.contributor.mitauthorJohnson, Steven G
dc.contributor.mitauthorJoannopoulos, John
dc.contributor.mitauthorSoljacic, Marin
dc.contributor.mitauthorShapira, Ofer
dc.relation.journalProceedings of the National Academy of Sciencesen_US
dc.eprint.versionFinal published versionen_US
dspace.orderedauthorsZhen, Bo; Chua, Song-Liang; Lee, Jeongwon; Rodriguez, Alejandro W.; Liang, Xiangdong; Johnson, Steven G.; Joannopoulos, John D.; Soljačić, Marin; Shapira, Oferen_US

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