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dc.contributor.authorTakagi, Ryuji
dc.contributor.authorZhuang, Quntao
dc.description.abstractContinuous-variable systems realized in quantum optics play a major role in quantum information processing, and it is also one of the promising candidates for a scalable quantum computer. We introduce a resource theory for continuous-variable systems relevant to universal quantum computation. In our theory, easily implementable operations—Gaussian operations combined with feed-forward—are chosen to be the free operations, making the convex hull of the Gaussian states the natural free states. Since our free operations and free states cannot perform universal quantum computation, genuine non-Gaussian states—states not in the convex hull of Gaussian states—are the necessary resource states for universal quantum computation together with free operations. We introduce a monotone to quantify the genuine non-Gaussianity of resource states, in analogy to the stabilizer theory. A direct application of our resource theory is to bound the conversion rate between genuine non-Gaussian states. Finally, we give a protocol that probabilistically distills genuine non-Gaussianity—increases the genuine non-Gaussianity of resource states—only using free operations and postselection on Gaussian measurements, where our theory gives an upper bound for the distillation rate. In particular, the same protocol allows the distillation of cubic phase states, which enable universal quantum computation when combined with free operations.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipUnited States. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (Grant FA9550-14-1-0052)en_US
dc.publisherAmerican Physical Societyen_US
dc.rightsArticle is made available in accordance with the publisher's policy and may be subject to US copyright law. Please refer to the publisher's site for terms of use.en_US
dc.sourceAmerican Physical Societyen_US
dc.titleConvex resource theory of non-Gaussianityen_US
dc.identifier.citationTakagi, Ryuji and Quntao, Zhuang. "Convex resource theory of non-Gaussianity." Physical Review A 97, 6 (June 2018): 062337 © 2018 American Physical Societyen_US
dc.contributor.departmentMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Center for Theoretical Physicsen_US
dc.contributor.departmentMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Physicsen_US
dc.contributor.departmentMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Research Laboratory of Electronicsen_US
dc.contributor.mitauthorTakagi, Ryuji
dc.contributor.mitauthorZhuang, Quntao
dc.relation.journalPhysical Review Aen_US
dc.eprint.versionFinal published versionen_US
dc.rights.holderAmerican Physical Society
dspace.orderedauthorsTakagi, Ryuji; Zhuang, Quntaoen_US

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