Deconfined Quantum Critical Points: Symmetries and Dualities
Xu, Cenke; Senthil, T.; Wang, Chong; Nahum, Adam; Metlitski, Maxim A.
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The deconfined quantum critical point (QCP), separating the Néel and valence bond solid phases in a 2D antiferromagnet, was proposed as an example of (2+1)D criticality fundamentally different from standard Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson-Fisher criticality. In this work, we present multiple equivalent descriptions of deconfined QCPs, and use these to address the possibility of enlarged emergent symmetries in the low-energy limit. The easy-plane deconfined QCP, besides its previously discussed self-duality, is dual to N_{f}=2 fermionic quantum electrodynamics, which has its own self-duality and hence may have an O(4)×Z_{2}^{T} symmetry. We propose several dualities for the deconfined QCP with SU(2) spin symmetry which together make natural the emergence of a previously suggested SO(5) symmetry rotating the Néel and valence bond solid orders. These emergent symmetries are implemented anomalously. The associated infrared theories can also be viewed as surface descriptions of (3+1)D topological paramagnets, giving further insight into the dualities. We describe a number of numerical tests of these dualities. We also discuss the possibility of “pseudocritical” behavior for deconfined critical points, and the meaning of the dualities and emergent symmetries in such a scenario.
Date issued
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of PhysicsJournal
Physical Review X
American Physical Society
Wang, Chong, Adam Nahum, Max A. Metlitski, Cenke Xu and T. Senthil. "Deconfined Quantum Critical Points: Symmetries and Dualities." Physical Review X 7 (2017), 031051.
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