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dc.contributor.authorSail, Vibhavari
dc.contributor.authorRizzo, Alessandro A.
dc.contributor.authorDash, Radha C.
dc.contributor.authorOzen, Zuleyha
dc.contributor.authorKorzhnev, Dmitry M.
dc.contributor.authorHadden, M. Kyle
dc.contributor.authorChatterjee, Nimrat
dc.contributor.authorWalker, Graham C.
dc.description.abstractTranslesion synthesis (TLS) is an important mechanism through which proliferating cells tolerate DNA damage during replication. The mutagenic Rev1/Polζ-dependent branch of TLS helps cancer cells survive first-line genotoxic chemotherapy and introduces mutations that can contribute to the acquired resistance so often observed with standard anticancer regimens. As such, inhibition of Rev1/Polζ-dependent TLS has recently emerged as a strategy to enhance the efficacy of first-line chemotherapy and reduce the acquisition of chemoresistance by decreasing tumor mutation rate. The TLS DNA polymerase Rev1 serves as an integral scaffolding protein that mediates the assembly of the active multiprotein TLS complexes. Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) between the C-terminal domain of Rev1 (Rev1-CT) and the Rev1-interacting region (RIR) of other TLS DNA polymerases play an essential role in regulating TLS activity. To probe whether disrupting the Rev1-CT/RIR PPI is a valid approach for developing a new class of targeted anticancer agents, we designed a fluorescence polarization-based assay that was utilized in a pilot screen for small molecule inhibitors of this PPI. Two small molecule scaffolds that disrupt this interaction were identified, and secondary validation assays confirmed that compound 5 binds to Rev1-CT at the RIR interface. Finally, survival and mutagenesis assays in mouse embryonic fibroblasts and human fibrosarcoma HT1080 cells treated with cisplatin and ultraviolet light indicate that these compounds inhibit mutagenic Rev1/Polζ-dependent TLS in cells, validating the Rev1-CT/RIR PPI for future anticancer drug discovery and identifying the first small molecule inhibitors of TLS that target Rev1-CT.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipNational Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (Grant R01-ES015818)en_US
dc.publisherAmerican Chemical Society (ACS)en_US
dc.rightsArticle is made available in accordance with the publisher's policy and may be subject to US copyright law. Please refer to the publisher's site for terms of use.en_US
dc.titleIdentification of Small Molecule Translesion Synthesis Inhibitors That Target the Rev1-CT/RIR Protein−Protein Interactionen_US
dc.identifier.citationSail, Vibhavari et al. “Identification of Small Molecule Translesion Synthesis Inhibitors That Target the Rev1-CT/RIR Protein−Protein Interaction.” ACS Chemical Biology 12, 7 (June 2017): 1903–1912 © 2017 American Chemical Societyen_US
dc.contributor.departmentMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Biologyen_US
dc.contributor.mitauthorChatterjee, Nimrat
dc.contributor.mitauthorWalker, Graham C
dc.relation.journalACS Chemical Biologyen_US
dc.eprint.versionAuthor's final manuscripten_US
dspace.orderedauthorsSail, Vibhavari; Rizzo, Alessandro A.; Chatterjee, Nimrat; Dash, Radha C.; Ozen, Zuleyha; Walker, Graham C.; Korzhnev, Dmitry M.; Hadden, M. Kyleen_US

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