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dc.contributor.authorBugel, Leonard G.
dc.contributor.authorChiu, C. S.
dc.contributor.authorCollin, G. H.
dc.contributor.authorConrad, Janet Marie
dc.contributor.authorGreene, A.
dc.contributor.authorHen, Or
dc.contributor.authorIgnarra, Christina
dc.contributor.authorJones, Benjamin James Poyner
dc.contributor.authorKatori, Teppei
dc.contributor.authorMoss, Z.
dc.contributor.authorSmidt, Tess E.
dc.contributor.authorVergani, S.
dc.contributor.authorWester, T.
dc.contributor.authorWongjirad, Taritree
dc.contributor.authorMoon, Jarrett S.
dc.description.abstractThis paper describes the design and construction of the MicroBooNE liquid argon time projection chamber and associated systems. MicroBooNE is the first phase of the Short Baseline Neutrino program, located at Fermilab, and will utilize the capabilities of liquid argon detectors to examine a rich assortment of physics topics. In this document details of design specifications, assembly procedures, and acceptance tests are reported. Keywords: Time projection chambers; Noble liquid detectors; Neutrino detectorsen_US
dc.publisherIOP Publishingen_US
dc.rightsCreative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alikeen_US
dc.titleDesign and construction of the MicroBooNE detectoren_US
dc.identifier.citationAcciarri, R., C. Adams, R. An, A. Aparicio, S. Aponte, J. Asaadi, M. Auger, et al. “Design and Construction of the MicroBooNE Detector.” Journal of Instrumentation 12, no. 02 (February 24, 2017): P02017–P02017.en_US
dc.contributor.departmentMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Physicsen_US
dc.contributor.departmentMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Laboratory for Nuclear Scienceen_US
dc.contributor.mitauthorBugel, Leonard G.
dc.contributor.mitauthorChiu, C. S.
dc.contributor.mitauthorCollin, G. H.
dc.contributor.mitauthorConrad, Janet Marie
dc.contributor.mitauthorGreene, A.
dc.contributor.mitauthorHen, Or
dc.contributor.mitauthorIgnarra, Christina
dc.contributor.mitauthorJones, Benjamin James Poyner
dc.contributor.mitauthorKatori, Teppei
dc.contributor.mitauthorMoss, Z.
dc.contributor.mitauthorSmidt, Tess E.
dc.contributor.mitauthorVergani, S.
dc.contributor.mitauthorWester, T.
dc.contributor.mitauthorWongjirad, Taritree
dc.contributor.mitauthorMoon, Jarrett S.
dc.relation.journalJournal of Instrumentationen_US
dc.eprint.versionOriginal manuscripten_US
dspace.orderedauthorsAcciarri, R.; Adams, C.; An, R.; Aparicio, A.; Aponte, S.; Asaadi, J.; Auger, M.; Ayoub, N.; Bagby, L.; Baller, B.; Barger, R.; Barr, G.; Bass, M.; Bay, F.; Biery, K.; Bishai, M.; Blake, A.; Bocean, V.; Boehnlein, D.; Bogert, V.D.; Bolton, T.; Bugel, L.; Callahan, C.; Camilleri, L.; Caratelli, D.; Carls, B.; Fernandez, R. Castillo; Cavanna, F.; Chappa, S.; Chen, H.; Chen, K.; Chi, C.-Y.; Chiu, C.S.; Church, E.; Cianci, D.; Collin, G.H.; Conrad, J.M.; Convery, M.; Cornele, J.; Cowan, P.; Crespo-Anadón, J.I.; Crutcher, G.; Darve, C.; Davis, R.; Tutto, M. Del; Devitt, D.; Duffin, S.; Dytman, S.; Eberly, B.; Ereditato, A.; Erickson, D.; Sanchez, L. Escudero; Esquivel, J.; Farooq, S.; Farrell, J.; Featherston, D.; Fleming, B.T.; Foreman, W.; Furmanski, A.P.; Genty, V.; Geynisman, M.; Goeldi, D.; Goff, B.; Gollapinni, S.; Graf, N.; Gramellini, E.; Green, J.; Greene, A.; Greenlee, H.; Griffin, T.; Grosso, R.; Guenette, R.; Hackenburg, A.; Haenni, R.; Hamilton, P.; Healey, P.; Hen, O.; Henderson, E.; Hewes, J.; Hill, C.; Hill, K.; Himes, L.; Ho, J.; Horton-Smith, G.; Huffman, D.; Ignarra, C.M.; James, C.; James, E.; de Vries, J. Jan; Jaskierny, W.; Jen, C.-M.; Jiang, L.; Johnson, B.; Johnson, M.; Johnson, R.A.; Jones, B.J.P.; Joshi, J.; Jostlein, H.; Kaleko, D.; Kalousis, L.N.; Karagiorgi, G.; Katori, T.; Kellogg, P.; Ketchum, W.; Kilmer, J.; King, B.; Kirby, B.; Kirby, M.; Klein, E.; Kobilarcik, T.; Kreslo, I.; Krull, R.; Kubinski, R.; Lange, G.; Lanni, F.; Lathrop, A.; Laube, A.; Lee, W.M.; Li, Y.; Lissauer, D.; Lister, A.; Littlejohn, B.R.; Lockwitz, S.; Lorca, D.; Louis, W.C.; Lukhanin, G.; Luethi, M.; Lundberg, B.; Luo, X.; Mahler, G.; Majoros, I.; Makowiecki, D.; Marchionni, A.; Mariani, C.; Markley, D.; Marshall, J.; Caicedo, D.A. Martinez; McDonald, K.T.; McKee, D.; McLean, A.; Mead, J.; Meddage, V.; Miceli, T.; Mills, G.B.; Miner, W.; Moon, J.; Mooney, M.; Moore, C.D.; Moss, Z.; Mousseau, J.; Murrells, R.; Naples, D.; Nienaber, P.; Norris, B.; Norton, N.; Nowak, J.; O'Boyle, M.; Olszanowski, T.; Palamara, O.; Paolone, V.; Papavassiliou, V.; Pate, S.F.; Pavlovic, Z.; Pelkey, R.; Phipps, M.; Pordes, S.; Porzio, D.; Pulliam, G.; Qian, X.; Raaf, J.L.; Radeka, V.; Rafique, A.; Rameika, R. A; Rebel, B.; Rechenmacher, R.; Rescia, S.; Rochester, L.; Rohr, C. Rudolf von; Ruga, A.; Russell, B.; Sanders, R.; III, W.R. Sands; Sarychev, M.; Schmitz, D.W.; Schukraft, A.; Scott, R.; Seligman, W.; Shaevitz, M.H.; Shoun, M.; Sinclair, J.; Sippach, W.; Smidt, T.; Smith, A.; Snider, E.L.; Soderberg, M.; Solano-Gonzalez, M.; Söldner-Rembold, S.; Soleti, S.R.; Sondericker, J.; Spentzouris, P.; Spitz, J.; John, J. St.; Strauss, T.; Sutton, K.; Szelc, A.M.; Taheri, K.; Tagg, N.; Tatum, K.; Teng, J.; Terao, K.; Thomson, M.; Thorn, C.; Tillman, J.; Toups, M.; Tsai, Y.-T.; Tufanli, S.; Usher, T.; Utes, M.; de Water, R.G. Van; Vendetta, C.; Vergani, S.; Voirin, E.; Voirin, J.; Viren, B.; Watkins, P.; Weber, M.; Wester, T.; Weston, J.; Wickremasinghe, D.A.; Wolbers, S.; Wongjirad, T.; Woodruff, K.; Wu, K.C.; Yang, T.; Yu, B.; Zeller, G.P.; Zennamo, J.; Zhang, C.; Zuckerbrot, M.en_US

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