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dc.contributor.authorStack, Kathryn M.
dc.contributor.authorWilliams, Nathan R.
dc.contributor.authorCalef, Fred
dc.contributor.authorSun, Vivian Z.
dc.contributor.authorWilliford, Kenneth H.
dc.contributor.authorFarley, Kenneth A.
dc.contributor.authorEide, Sigurd
dc.contributor.authorFlannery, David
dc.contributor.authorHughes, Cory
dc.contributor.authorJacob, Samantha R.
dc.contributor.authorKah, Linda C.
dc.contributor.authorMeyen, Forrest
dc.contributor.authorMolina, Antonio
dc.contributor.authorNataf, Cathy Quantin
dc.contributor.authorRice, Melissa
dc.contributor.authorRussell, Patrick
dc.contributor.authorScheller, Eva
dc.contributor.authorSeeger, Christina H.
dc.contributor.authorAbbey, William J.
dc.contributor.authorAdler, Jacob B.
dc.contributor.authorAmundsen, Hans
dc.contributor.authorAnderson, Ryan B.
dc.contributor.authorAngel, Stanley M.
dc.contributor.authorArana, Gorka
dc.contributor.authorAtkins, James
dc.contributor.authorBarrington, Megan
dc.contributor.authorBerger, Tor
dc.contributor.authorBorden, Rose
dc.contributor.authorBoring, Beau
dc.contributor.authorBrown, Adrian
dc.contributor.authorCarrier, Brandi L.
dc.contributor.authorConrad, Pamela
dc.contributor.authorDypvik, Henning
dc.contributor.authorFagents, Sarah A.
dc.contributor.authorGallegos, Zachary E.
dc.contributor.authorGarczynski, Brad
dc.contributor.authorGolder, Keenan
dc.contributor.authorGomez, Felipe
dc.contributor.authorGoreva, Yulia
dc.contributor.authorGupta, Sanjeev
dc.contributor.authorHamran, Svein-Erik
dc.contributor.authorHicks, Taryn
dc.contributor.authorHinterman, Eric Daniel
dc.contributor.authorHorgan, Briony N.
dc.contributor.authorHurowitz, Joel
dc.contributor.authorJohnson, Jeffrey R.
dc.contributor.authorLasue, Jeremie
dc.contributor.authorKronyak, Rachel E.
dc.contributor.authorLiu, Yang
dc.contributor.authorMadariaga, Juan Manuel
dc.contributor.authorMangold, Nicolas
dc.contributor.authorMcClean, John
dc.contributor.authorMiklusicak, Noah
dc.contributor.authorNunes, Daniel
dc.contributor.authorRojas, Corrine
dc.contributor.authorRunyon, Kirby
dc.contributor.authorSchmitz, Nicole
dc.contributor.authorScudder, Noel
dc.contributor.authorShaver, Emily
dc.contributor.authorSooHoo, Jason G.
dc.contributor.authorSpaulding, Russell
dc.contributor.authorStanish, Evan
dc.contributor.authorTamppari, Leslie K.
dc.contributor.authorTice, Michael M.
dc.contributor.authorTurenne, Nathalie
dc.contributor.authorWillis, Peter A.
dc.contributor.authorAileen Yingst, R.
dc.description.abstractThe Mars 2020 Perseverance rover landing site is located within Jezero crater, a  ∼50 km diameter impact crater interpreted to be a Noachian-aged lake basin inside the western edge of the Isidis impact structure. Jezero hosts remnants of a fluvial delta, inlet and outlet valleys, and infill deposits containing diverse carbonate, mafic, and hydrated minerals. Prior to the launch of the Mars 2020 mission, members of the Science Team collaborated to produce a photogeologic map of the Perseverance landing site in Jezero crater. Mapping was performed at a 1:5000 digital map scale using a 25 cm/pixel High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) orthoimage mosaic base map and a 1 m/pixel HiRISE stereo digital terrain model. Mapped bedrock and surficial units were distinguished by differences in relative brightness, tone, topography, surface texture, and apparent roughness. Mapped bedrock units are generally consistent with those identified in previously published mapping efforts, but this study’s map includes the distribution of surficial deposits and sub-units of the Jezero delta at a higher level of detail than previous studies. This study considers four possible unit correlations to explain the relative age relationships of major units within the map area. Unit correlations include previously published interpretations as well as those that consider more complex interfingering relationships and alternative relative age relationships. The photogeologic map presented here is the foundation for scientific hypothesis development and strategic planning for Perseverance’s exploration of Jezero crater.en_US
dc.publisherSpringer Science and Business Media LLCen_US
dc.rightsArticle is made available in accordance with the publisher's policy and may be subject to US copyright law. Please refer to the publisher's site for terms of use.en_US
dc.sourceSpringer Netherlandsen_US
dc.titlePhotogeologic Map of the Perseverance Rover Field Site in Jezero Crater Constructed by the Mars 2020 Science Teamen_US
dc.identifier.citationStack, Kathryn M. et al. "Photogeologic Map of the Perseverance Rover Field Site in Jezero Crater Constructed by the Mars 2020 Science Team." Space Science Reviews 216, 8 (November 2020): 127 © 2020 Springer Nature B.V.en_US
dc.contributor.departmentMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciencesen_US
dc.relation.journalSpace Science Reviewsen_US
dc.eprint.versionAuthor's final manuscripten_US
dc.rights.holderSpringer Nature B.V.

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