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dc.contributor.authorBiscans, Sebastien
dc.contributor.authorBarsotti, Lisa
dc.contributor.authorBuikema, Aaron
dc.contributor.authorEvans, M.
dc.contributor.authorFernandez Galiana, Alvaro-Miguel
dc.contributor.authorFritschel, Peter K
dc.contributor.authorGras, Slawomir
dc.contributor.authorLane, B. B.
dc.contributor.authorMacInnis, Myron E
dc.contributor.authorMansell, Georgia
dc.contributor.authorMason, Kenneth R
dc.contributor.authorMassinger, Thomas J.
dc.contributor.authorMatichard, Fabrice
dc.contributor.authorMavalvala, Nergis
dc.contributor.authorMcCuller, Lee P
dc.contributor.authorMittleman, Richard K
dc.contributor.authorTse, Maggie
dc.contributor.authorWeiss, Rainer
dc.contributor.authorWhittle, Christopher Mark
dc.contributor.authorYu, Hang
dc.contributor.authorYu, Haocun
dc.contributor.authorZucker, Michael E
dc.description.abstract© 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd. Teleseismic, or distant, earthquakes regularly disrupt the operation of ground-based gravitational wave detectors such as Advanced LIGO. Here, we present EQ mode, a new global control scheme, consisting of an automated sequence of optimized control filters that reduces and coordinates the motion of the seismic isolation platforms during earthquakes. This, in turn, suppresses the differential motion of the interferometer arms with respect to one another, resulting in a reduction of DARM signal at frequencies below 100 mHz. Our method greatly improved the interferometers' capability to remain operational during earthquakes, with ground velocities up to 3.9 μm s-1 rms in the beam direction, setting a new record for both detectors. This sets a milestone in seismic controls of the Advanced LIGO detectors' ability to manage high ground motion induced by earthquakes, opening a path for further robust operation in other extreme environmental conditions.en_US
dc.publisherIOP Publishingen_US
dc.rightsCreative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alikeen_US
dc.titleImproving the robustness of the advanced LIGO detectors to earthquakesen_US
dc.contributor.departmentLIGO (Observatory : Massachusetts Institute of Technology)en_US
dc.contributor.departmentMIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Researchen_US
dc.contributor.departmentMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Physicsen_US
dc.relation.journalClassical and Quantum Gravityen_US
dc.eprint.versionOriginal manuscripten_US
dspace.orderedauthorsSchwartz, E; Pele, A; Warner, J; Lantz, B; Betzwieser, J; Dooley, KL; Biscans, S; Coughlin, M; Mukund, N; Abbott, R; Adams, C; Adhikari, RX; Ananyeva, A; Appert, S; Arai, K; Areeda, JS; Asali, Y; Aston, SM; Austin, C; Baer, AM; Ball, M; Ballmer, SW; Banagiri, S; Barker, D; Barsotti, L; Bartlett, J; Berger, BK; Bhattacharjee, D; Billingsley, G; Blair, CD; Blair, RM; Bode, N; Booker, P; Bork, R; Bramley, A; Brooks, AF; Brown, DD; Buikema, A; Cahillane, C; Cannon, KC; Chen, X; Ciobanu, AA; Clara, F; Cooper, SJ; Corley, KR; Countryman, ST; Covas, PB; Coyne, DC; Datrier, LEH; Davis, D; Di Fronzo, C; Driggers, JC; Dupej, P; Dwyer, SE; Effler, A; Etzel, T; Evans, M; Evans, TM; Feicht, J; Fernandez-Galiana, A; Fritschel, P; Frolov, VV; Fulda, P; Fyffe, M; Giaime, JA; Giardina, KD; Godwin, P; Goetz, E; Gras, S; Gray, C; Gray, R; Green, AC; Gupta, A; Gustafson, EK; Gustafson, R; Hanks, J; Hanson, J; Hardwick, T; Hasskew, RK; Heintze, MC; Helmling-Cornell, AF; Holland, NA; Jones, JD; Kandhasamy, S; Karki, S; Kasprzack, M; Kawabe, K; Kijbunchoo, N; King, PJ; Kissel, JS; Kumar, R; Landry, M; Lane, BB; Laxen, M; Lecoeuche, YK; Leviton, J; Liu, J; Lormand, M; Lundgren, AP; Macas, R; MacInnis, M; Macleod, DM; Mansell, GL; Márka, S; Márka, Z; Martynov, DV; Mason, K; Massinger, TJ; Matichard, F; Mavalvala, N; McCarthy, R; McClelland, DE; McCormick, S; McCuller, L; McIver, J; McRae, T; Mendell, G; Merfeld, K; Merilh, EL; Meylahn, F; Mistry, T; Mittleman, R; Moreno, G; Mow-Lowry, CM; Mozzon, S; Mullavey, A; Nelson, TJN; Nguyen, P; Nuttall, LK; Oberling, J; Oram, RJ; Osthelder, C; Ottaway, DJ; Overmier, H; Palamos, JR; Parker, W; Payne, E; Perez, CJ; Pirello, M; Radkins, H; Ramirez, KE; Richardson, JW; Riles, K; Robertson, NA; Rollins, JG; Romel, CL; Romie, JH; Ross, MP; Ryan, K; Sadecki, T; Sanchez, EJ; Sanchez, LE; Saravanan, TR; Savage, RL; Schaetzl, D; Schnabel, R; Schofield, RMS; Sellers, D; Shaffer, T; Sigg, D; Slagmolen, BJJ; Smith, JR; Soni, S; Sorazu, B; Spencer, AP; Strain, KA; Sun, L; Szczepańczyk, MJ; Thomas, M; Thomas, P; Thorne, KA; Toland, K; Torrie, CI; Traylor, G; Tse, M; Urban, AL; Vajente, G; Valdes, G; Vander-Hyde, DC; Veitch, PJ; Venkateswara, K; Venugopalan, G; Viets, AD; Vo, T; Vorvick, C; Wade, M; Ward, RL; Weaver, B; Weiss, R; Whittle, C; Willke, B; Wipf, CC; Xiao, L; Yamamoto, H; Yu, H; Yu, H; Zhang, L; Zucker, ME; Zweizig, Jen_US
mit.metadata.statusPublication Information Neededen_US

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