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dc.description.abstract© 2017 IOP Publishing Ltd. The Precision IceCube Next Generation Upgrade (PINGU) is a proposed lowenergy in-fill extension to the IceCube Neutrino Observatory. With detection technology modeled closely on the successful IceCube example, PINGU will provide a 6 Mton effective mass for neutrino detection with an energy threshold of a few GeV. With an unprecedented sample of over 60 000 atmospheric neutrinos per year in this energy range, PINGU will make highly competitive measurements of neutrino oscillation parameters in an energy range over an order of magnitude higher than long-baseline neutrino beam experiments. PINGU will measure the mixing parameters Θ23 and Δm232, including the octant of Θ23 for a wide range of values, and determine the neutrino mass ordering at 3σ median significance within five years of operation. PINGU's high precision measurement of the rate of nt appearance will provide essential tests of the unitarity of the 3 ×3 PMNS neutrino mixing matrix. PINGU will also improve the sensitivity of searches for low mass dark matter in the Sun, use neutrino tomography to directly probe the composition of the Earth's core, and improve IceCube's sensitivity to neutrinos from Galactic supernovae. Reoptimization of the PINGU design has permitted substantial reduction in both cost and logistical requirements while delivering performance nearly identical to configurations previously studied.
dc.publisherIOP Publishing
dc.rightsCreative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike
dc.titlePINGU: a vision for neutrino and particle physics at the South Pole
dc.identifier.citationAartsen, M. G., et al. "Pingu: A Vision for Neutrino and Particle Physics at the South Pole." Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 44 5 (2017): 054006 (19 pp.).
dc.relation.journalJournal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics
dc.eprint.versionAuthor's final manuscript
dspace.orderedauthorsAartsen, MG; Abraham, K; Ackermann, M; Adams, J; Aguilar, JA; Ahlers, M; Ahrens, M; Altmann, D; Andeen, K; Anderson, T; Ansseau, I; Anton, G; Archinger, M; Arguelles, C; Arlen, TC; Auffenberg, J; Axani, S; Bai, X; Bartos, I; Barwick, SW; Baum, V; Bay, R; Beatty, JJ; Becker Tjus, J; Becker, K-H; BenZvi, S; Berghaus, P; Berley, D; Bernardini, E; Bernhard, A; Besson, DZ; Binder, G; Bindig, D; Bissok, M; Blaufuss, E; Blot, S; Boersma, DJ; Bohm, C; Börner, M; Bos, F; Bose, D; Böser, S; Botner, O; Braun, J; Brayeur, L; Bretz, H-P; Burgman, A; Carver, T; Casier, M; Cheung, E; Chirkin, D; Christov, A; Clark, K; Classen, L; Coenders, S; Collin, GH; Conrad, JM; Cowen, DF; Cross, R; Day, M; de André, JPAM; De Clercq, C; del Rosendo, EP; Dembinski, H; De Ridder, S; Desiati, P; de Vries, KD; de Wasseige, G; de With, M; DeYoung, T; Díaz-Vélez, JC; di Lorenzo, V; Dujmovic, H; Dumm, JP; Dunkman, M; Eberhardt, B; Ehrhardt, T; Eichmann, B; Eller, P; Euler, S; Evans, JJ; Evenson, PA; Fahey, S; Fazely, AR; Feintzeig, J; Felde, J; Filimonov, K; Finley, C; Flis, S; Fösig, C-C; Franckowiak, A; Friedman, E; Fuchs, T; Gaisser, TK; Gallagher, J; Gerhardt, L; Ghorbani, K; Giang, W; Gladstone, L; Glagla, M; Glüsenkamp, T; Goldschmidt, A; Golup, G; Gonzalez, JG; Grant, D; Griffith, Z; Haack, C; Haj Ismail, A; Hallgren, A; Halzen, F; Hansen, E; Hansmann, B; Hansmann, T; Hanson, K; Haugen, J; Hebecker, D; Heereman, D; Helbing, K; Hellauer, R; Hickford, S; Hignight, J; Hill, GC; Hoffman, KD; Hoffmann, R; Holzapfel, K; Hoshina, K; Huang, F; Huber, M; Hultqvist, K; In, S; Ishihara, A; Jacobi, E; Japaridze, GS; Jeong, M; Jero, K; Jones, BJP; Jurkovic, M; Kalekin, O; Kappes, A; Karagiorgi, G; Karg, T; Karle, A; Katori, T; Katz, U; Kauer, M; Keivani, A; Kelley, JL; Kemp, J; Kheirandish, A; Kim, M; Kintscher, T; Kiryluk, J; Kittler, T; Klein, SR; Kohnen, G; Koirala, R; Kolanoski, H; Konietz, R; Köpke, L; Kopper, C; Kopper, S; Koskinen, DJ; Kowalski, M; Krauss, CB; Krings, K; Kroll, M; Krückl, G; Krüger, C; Kunnen, J; Kunwar, S; Kurahashi, N; Kuwabara, T; Labare, M; Lanfranchi, JL; Larson, MJ; Lauber, F; Lennarz, D; Lesiak-Bzdak, M; Leuermann, M; Leuner, J; LoSecco, J; Lu, L; Lünemann, J; Madsen, J; Maggi, G; Mahn, KBM; Mancina, S; Mandalia, S; Mandelartz, M; Marka, S; Marka, Z; Maruyama, R; Mase, K; Maunu, R; McNally, F; Meagher, K; Medici, M; Meier, M; Meli, A; Menne, T; Merino, G; Meures, T; Miarecki, S; Mohrmann, L; Montaruli, T; Moore, RW; Moulai, M; Nahnhauer, R; Naumann, U; Neer, G; Niederhausen, H; Nowicki, SC; Nygren, DR; Obertacke Pollmann, A; Olivas, A; O’Murchadha, A; Palazzo, A; Palczewski, T; Pandya, H; Pankova, DV; Penek, Ö; Pepper, JA; Pérez de los Heros, C; Petersen, TC; Pieloth, D; Pinat, E; Pinfold, JL; Price, PB; Przybylski, GT; Quinnan, M; Raab, C; Rädel, L; Rameez, M; Rawlins, K; Reimann, R; Relethford, B; Relich, M; Resconi, E; Rhode, W; Richman, M; Riedel, B; Robertson, S; Rongen, M; Rott, C; Ruhe, T; Ryckbosch, D; Rysewyk, D; Sabbatini, L; Sanchez Herrera, SE; Sandrock, A; Sandroos, J; Sandstrom, P; Sarkar, S; Satalecka, K; Schimp, M; Schlunder, P; Schmidt, T; Schoenen, S; Schöneberg, S; Schumacher, L; Seckel, D; Seunarine, S; Shaevitz, MH; Soldin, D; Söldner-Rembold, S; Song, M; Spiczak, GM; Spiering, C; Stahlberg, M; Stanev, T; Stasik, A; Steuer, A; Stezelberger, T; Stokstad, RG; Stößl, A; Ström, R; Strotjohann, NL; Sullivan, GW; Sutherland, M; Taavola, H; Taboada, I; Taketa, A; Tanaka, HKM; Tatar, J; Tenholt, F; Ter-Antonyan, S; Terliuk, A; Tešić, G; Tilav, S; Toale, PA; Tobin, MN; Toscano, S; Tosi, D; Tselengidou, M; Turcati, A; Unger, E; Usner, M; Vandenbroucke, J; van Eijndhoven, N; Vanheule, S; van Rossem, M; van Santen, J; Veenkamp, J; Vehring, M; Voge, M; Vraeghe, M; Walck, C; Wallace, A; Wallraff, M; Wandkowsky, N; Weaver, C; Weiss, MJ; Wendt, C; Westerhoff, S; Whelan, BJ; Wickmann, S; Wiebe, K; Wiebusch, CH; Wille, L; Williams, DR; Wills, L; Wolf, M; Wood, TR; Woolsey, E; Woschnagg, K; Wren, S; Xu, DL; Xu, XW; Xu, Y; Yanez, JP; Yodh, G; Yoshida, S; Zoll, M
mit.metadata.statusAuthority Work and Publication Information Needed

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