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dc.description.abstract© 2021 authors. Published by the American Physical Society. Precise knowledge of the charge and rigidity dependence of the secondary cosmic ray fluxes and the secondary-to-primary flux ratios is essential in the understanding of cosmic ray propagation. We report the properties of heavy secondary cosmic ray fluorine F in the rigidity R range 2.15 GV to 2.9 TV based on 0.29 million events collected by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer experiment on the International Space Station. The fluorine spectrum deviates from a single power law above 200 GV. The heavier secondary-to-primary F/Si flux ratio rigidity dependence is distinctly different from the lighter B/O (or B/C) rigidity dependence. In particular, above 10 GV, the F/SiB/O ratio can be described by a power law Rδ with δ=0.052±0.007. This shows that the propagation properties of heavy cosmic rays, from F to Si, are different from those of light cosmic rays, from He to O, and that the secondary cosmic rays have two classes.en_US
dc.publisherAmerican Physical Society (APS)en_US
dc.rightsCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licenseen_US
dc.titleProperties of Heavy Secondary Fluorine Cosmic Rays: Results from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometeren_US
dc.identifier.citation2021. "Properties of Heavy Secondary Fluorine Cosmic Rays: Results from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer." Physical Review Letters, 126 (8).
dc.relation.journalPhysical Review Lettersen_US
dc.eprint.versionFinal published versionen_US
dspace.orderedauthorsAguilar, M; Cavasonza, LA; Allen, MS; Alpat, B; Ambrosi, G; Arruda, L; Attig, N; Barao, F; Barrin, L; Bartoloni, A; Başeğmez-du Pree, S; Battiston, R; Behlmann, M; Beranek, B; Berdugo, J; Bertucci, B; Bindi, V; Bollweg, K; Borgia, B; Boschini, MJ; Bourquin, M; Bueno, EF; Burger, J; Burger, WJ; Burmeister, S; Cai, XD; Capell, M; Casaus, J; Castellini, G; Cervelli, F; Chang, YH; Chen, GM; Chen, GR; Chen, HS; Chen, Y; Cheng, L; Chou, HY; Chouridou, S; Choutko, V; Chung, CH; Clark, C; Coignet, G; Consolandi, C; Contin, A; Corti, C; Cui, Z; Dadzie, K; Delgado, C; Della Torre, S; Demirköz, MB; Derome, L; Di Falco, S; Di Felice, V; Díaz, C; Dimiccoli, F; von Doetinchem, P; Dong, F; Donnini, F; Duranti, M; Egorov, A; Eline, A; Feng, J; Fiandrini, E; Fisher, P; Formato, V; Freeman, C; Galaktionov, Y; Gámez, C; García-López, RJ; Gargiulo, C; Gast, H; Gervasi, M; Giovacchini, F; Gómez-Coral, DM; Gong, J; Goy, C; Grabski, V; Grandi, D; Graziani, M; Haino, S; Han, KC; Hashmani, RK; He, ZH; Heber, B; Hsieh, TH; Hu, JY; Incagli, M; Jang, WY; Jia, Y; Jinchi, H; Kanishev, K; Khiali, B; Kim, GN; Kirn, T; Konyushikhin, M; Kounina, O; Kounine, A; Koutsenko, V; Kuhlman, A; Kulemzin, A; La Vacca, G; Laudi, E; Laurenti, G; Lazzizzera, I; Lebedev, A; Lee, HT; Lee, SC; Li, JQ; Li, M; Li, Q; Li, S; Li, JH; Li, ZH; Liang, J; Light, C; Lin, CH; Lippert, T; Liu, JH; Liu, Z; Lu, SQ; Lu, YS; Luebelsmeyer, K; Luo, JZ; Luo, X; Lyu, SS; Machate, F; Mañá, C; Marín, J; Marquardt, J; Martin, T; Martínez, G; Masi, N; Maurin, D; Menchaca-Rocha, A; Meng, Q; Mikhailov, VV; Mo, DC; Molero, M; Mott, P; Mussolin, L; Negrete, J; Nikonov, N; Nozzoli, F; Oliva, A; Orcinha, M; Palermo, M; Palmonari, F; Paniccia, M; Pashnin, A; Pauluzzi, M; Pensotti, S; Phan, HD; Piandani, R; Plyaskin, V; Poluianov, S; Qin, X; Qu, ZY; Quadrani, L; Rancoita, PG; Rapin, D; Conde, AR; Robyn, E; Rosier-Lees, S; Rozhkov, A; Rozza, D; Sagdeev, R; Schael, S; Schulz von Dratzig, A; Schwering, G; Seo, ES; Shakfa, Z; Shan, BS; Siedenburg, T; Solano, C; Song, JW; Song, XJ; Sonnabend, R; Strigari, L; Su, T; Sun, Q; Sun, ZT; Tacconi, M; Tang, XW; Tang, ZC; Tian, J; Ting, SCC; Ting, SM; Tomassetti, N; Torsti, J; Tüysüz, C; Urban, T; Usoskin, I; Vagelli, V; Vainio, R; Valencia-Otero, M; Valente, E; Valtonen, E; Vázquez Acosta, M; Vecchi, M; Velasco, M; Vialle, JP; Wang, CX; Wang, L; Wang, LQ; Wang, NH; Wang, QL; Wang, S; Wang, X; Wang, Y; Wang, ZM; Wei, J; Weng, ZL; Wu, H; Xiong, RQ; Xu, W; Yan, Q; Yang, Y; Yashin, II; Yi, H; Yu, YM; Yu, ZQ; Zannoni, M; Zhang, C; Zhang, F; Zhang, FZ; Zhang, JH; Zhang, Z; Zhao, F; Zheng, C; Zheng, ZM; Zhuang, HL; Zhukov, V; Zichichi, A; Zuccon, Pen_US
mit.metadata.statusAuthority Work and Publication Information Neededen_US

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