During her career as an organizational ombuds at MIT and as an adjunct professor of negotiation and conflict management at the MIT Sloan School of Management, Mary Rowe has written true stories about ombuds work and leadership, numerous articles that incorporate deidentified, disguised case material drawn from ombuds practice, and Teaching Notes. This page brings all this material together in one place.

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Recent Submissions

  • Concerns about Bullying at Work As Heard by Organizational Ombudsmen 

    Cummings, Lydia; Rowe, Mary (Perspectives on Work, 2010)
  • The Several Purposes of the OO Crystal Ball 

    Rowe, Mary (Journal of the International Ombudsman Association, 2010-10)
    The Crystal Ball began, in 1984, as a device to help Organizational Ombudsmen (OOs) to anticipate problems that are new to their organizations. This came about by collecting wisdom from many OOs about “new things.” Each ...
  • Dealing with—or Reporting—‘Unacceptable’ Behavior 

    Rowe, Mary; Wilcox, Linda; Gadlin, Howard (Journal of the International Ombudsman Association, 2009)
    People in organizations often see behavior that they think is unacceptable, unsafe, illegal—even criminal. Why do people who observe such behavior hesitate to act on their own, or to come forward promptly—even when affected ...

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