Now showing items 1-3 of 486

    • Enhanced Certificate Revocation 

      Micali, Silvio (1996-03)
      We apply off-line/on-line signatures to provide an alternative solution to the problem of certificate revocation. The new systems dismiss with traditional CRLs (Certificate Revocation Lists) and yield public-key infrastructures ...
    • What are principal typings and what are they good for? 

      Jim, Trevor (1995-11)
      We demonstrate the pragmatic value of the principal typing property, a property more general than ML's principal type property, by studying a type system with principal typings. The type system is based on rank 2 intersection ...
    • Rank 2 Type Systems and Recursive Definitions 

      Jim, Trevor (1995-11)
      We demonstrate an equivalence between the rank 2 fragments of the polymorphic lambda calculus (System F) and the intersection type discipline: exactly the same terms are typable in each system. An immediate consequence ...