Now showing items 4-6 of 11

    • Engineering philosophy 

      Bucciarelli, Louis (DUP Satellite; an imprint of Delft University Press, 2003)
      Engineering and Philosophy seem two worlds apart. But things and ideas are not disjunct in thiw world and their synthesis is certainly essential in engineering design. In this book, the author explores how the concerns of ...
    • Liberal Studies in Engineering - Workshop Report 

      Bucciarelli, Louis; Drew, David; Tobias, Sheila (2015-03-12)
      On the 30th and 31st of January, 2015, some sixty scholars from the humanities, arts and social sciences as well as engineering met at the National Academy of Sciences building in DC to discuss the possibilities for ...
    • Science and the Courts 

      Bucciarelli, Louis (2014-06-17)