Now showing items 7-9 of 11

    • Bachelor of Arts in Engineering - The Full Proposal 

      Bucciarelli, Louis (2012-06-02)
      A first draft of this proposal provided the basis for remarks made as a participant in a panel at Union College's 4th Annual Symposium on Engineering & Liberal Education held in June of 2011. Over the past year I have ...
    • From Function to Structure in Engineering Design 

      Bucciarelli, Louis (2010-02-23)
      Peter Kroes et al (The Empirical Turn in the Philosophy of Technology, P. Kroes & A. Meijers, (eds.) JAI, 20009 )frame the challenge of engineering design as bridging the divide between function and structure, as moving ...
    • BA in Engineering - A Proposal 

      Bucciarelli, Louis (2009-11-24)
      A proposal to provoke discussion of possibilities for the establishment of a Bachelor of Arts in Engineering at MIT.