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dc.contributor.authorViderman, Michael
dc.contributor.authorGuruswami, Venkatesan
dc.contributor.authorBen-Sasson, Eli
dc.contributor.authorKaufman-Halman, Tali
dc.contributor.authorSudan, Madhu
dc.description.abstractLocally testable codes (LTCs) are error- correcting codes for which membership, in the code, of a given word can be tested by examining it in very few locations. Most known constructions of locally testable codes are linear codes, and give error-correcting codes whose duals have (superlinearly) many small weight codewords. Examining this feature appears to be one of the promising approaches to proving limitation results for (i.e., upper bounds on the rate of) LTCs. Unfortunately till now it was not even known if LTCs need to be non-trivially redundant, i.e., need to have one linear dependency among the low-weight codewords in its dual. In this paper we give the first lower bound of this form, by showing that every positive rate constant query strong LTC must have linearly many redundant low-weight codewords in its dual. We actually prove the stronger claim that the actual test itself must use a linear number of redundant dual codewords (beyond the minimum number of basis elements required to characterize the code); in other words, non-redundant (in fact, low redundancy) local testing is impossible.en
dc.publisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineersen
dc.rightsAttribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unporteden
dc.sourceJoanne Hanleyen
dc.titleLocally Testable Codes Require Redundant Testersen
dc.identifier.citationBen-Sasson, E. et al. “Locally Testable Codes Require Redundant Testers.” Computational Complexity, 2009. CCC '09. 24th Annual IEEE Conference on. 2009. 52-61. © 2009 IEEEen
dc.contributor.departmentMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratoryen_US
dc.contributor.departmentMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Scienceen_US
dc.contributor.approverSudan, Madhu
dc.contributor.mitauthorKaufman-Halman, Tali
dc.contributor.mitauthorSudan, Madhu
dc.relation.journal2009 Computational Complexityen
dc.eprint.versionAuthor's final manuscript
dspace.orderedauthorsBen-Sasson, Eli; Guruswami, Venkatesan; Kaufman, Tali; Sudan, Madhu; Viderman, Michaelen

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