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dc.contributor.authorBarsotti, Lisa
dc.contributor.authorBlackburn, Lindy L.
dc.contributor.authorBodiya, Timothy Paul
dc.contributor.authorCorbitt, Thomas R.
dc.contributor.authorDonovan, Frederick J.
dc.contributor.authorEvans, Matthew J.
dc.contributor.authorFoley, Stephany
dc.contributor.authorFritschel, Peter K.
dc.contributor.authorHarry, Gregory
dc.contributor.authorHughey, Barbara
dc.contributor.authorKatsavounidis, Erotokritos
dc.contributor.authorMacInnis, Myron E.
dc.contributor.authorMason, Kenneth R.
dc.contributor.authorMatichard, Fabrice
dc.contributor.authorMavalvala, Nergis
dc.contributor.authorMittleman, Richard K.
dc.contributor.authorShapiro, B.
dc.contributor.authorShoemaker, David H.
dc.contributor.authorSmith, N. D.
dc.contributor.authorStein, Andrew J.
dc.contributor.authorStein, Leo Chaim
dc.contributor.authorWaldman, Samuel J.
dc.contributor.authorWeiss, Rainer
dc.contributor.authorWipf, Christopher C.
dc.contributor.authorZucker, Michael E.
dc.description.abstractWe report the results of the first search for gravitational waves from compact binary coalescence using data from the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory and Virgo detectors. Five months of data were collected during the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory’s S5 and Virgo’s VSR1 science runs. The search focused on signals from binary mergers with a total mass between 2 and 35M⊙. No gravitational waves are identified. The cumulative 90%-confidence upper limits on the rate of compact binary coalescence are calculated for nonspinning binary neutron stars, black hole-neutron star systems, and binary black holes to be 8.7×10-3  yr-1 L10-1, 2.2×10-3  yr-1 L10-1, and 4.4×10-4  yr-1 L10-1, respectively, where L10 is 1010 times the blue solar luminosity. These upper limits are compared with astrophysical expectations.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipNational Science Foundation (U.S.)en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipUnited States. National Aeronautics and Space Administrationen_US
dc.description.sponsorshipCarnegie Trusten_US
dc.description.sponsorshipLeverhulme Trusten_US
dc.description.sponsorshipDavid & Lucile Packard Foundationen_US
dc.description.sponsorshipAlfred P. Sloan Foundationen_US
dc.description.sponsorshipResearch Corporationen_US
dc.publisherAmerican Physical Societyen_US
dc.rightsArticle is made available in accordance with the publisher's policy and may be subject to US copyright law. Please refer to the publisher's site for terms of use.en_US
dc.titleSearch for gravitational waves from compact binary coalescence in LIGO and Virgo data from S5 and VSR1en_US
dc.identifier.citationJ. Abadie et al. (LIGO Scientific Collaboration, Virgo Collaboration) "Search for gravitational waves from compact binary coalescence in LIGO and Virgo data from S5 and VSR1." Phys. Rev. D 82, 102001 (2010) [11 pages] © 2010 The American Physical Society.en_US
dc.contributor.departmentMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Mechanical Engineeringen_US
dc.contributor.departmentMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Physicsen_US
dc.contributor.departmentMIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Researchen_US
dc.contributor.approverBarsotti, Lisa
dc.contributor.mitauthorBarsotti, Lisa
dc.contributor.mitauthorBlackburn, Lindy L.
dc.contributor.mitauthorBodiya, Timothy Paul
dc.contributor.mitauthorCorbitt, Thomas R.
dc.contributor.mitauthorDonovan, Frederick J.
dc.contributor.mitauthorEvans, Matthew J.
dc.contributor.mitauthorFoley, Stephany
dc.contributor.mitauthorFritschel, Peter K.
dc.contributor.mitauthorHarry, Gregory
dc.contributor.mitauthorHughey, Barbara
dc.contributor.mitauthorKatsavounidis, Erotokritos
dc.contributor.mitauthorMacInnis, Myron E.
dc.contributor.mitauthorMason, Kenneth R.
dc.contributor.mitauthorMatichard, Fabrice
dc.contributor.mitauthorMavalvala, Nergis
dc.contributor.mitauthorMittleman, Richard K.
dc.contributor.mitauthorShapiro, B.
dc.contributor.mitauthorShoemaker, David H.
dc.contributor.mitauthorSmith, N. D.
dc.contributor.mitauthorStein, Andrew J.
dc.contributor.mitauthorStein, Leo Chaim
dc.contributor.mitauthorWaldman, Samuel J.
dc.contributor.mitauthorWeiss, Rainer
dc.contributor.mitauthorWipf, Christopher C.
dc.contributor.mitauthorZucker, Michael E.
dc.relation.journalPhysical Review Den_US
dc.eprint.versionFinal published versionen_US
dspace.orderedauthorsAbadie, J.; Abbott, B.; Abbott, R.; Abernathy, M.; Accadia, T.; Acernese, F.; Adams, C.; Adhikari, R.; Ajith, P.; Allen, B.; Allen, G.; Amador Ceron, E.; Amin, R.; Anderson, S.; Anderson, W.; Antonucci, F.; Arain, M.; Araya, M.; Aronsson, M.; Arun, K.; Aso, Y.; Aston, S.; Astone, P.; Atkinson, D.; Aufmuth, P.; Aulbert, C.; Babak, S.; Baker, P.; Ballardin, G.; Ballinger, T.; Ballmer, S.; Barker, D.; Barnum, S.; Barone, F.; Barr, B.; Barriga, P.; Barsotti, L.; Barsuglia, M.; Barton, M.; Bartos, I.; Bassiri, R.; Bastarrika, M.; Bauchrowitz, J.; Bauer, Th.; Behnke, B.; Beker, M.; Belletoile, A.; Benacquista, M.; Bertolini, A.; Betzwieser, J.; Beveridge, N.; Beyersdorf, P.; Bigotta, S.; Bilenko, I.; Billingsley, G.; Birch, J.; Birindelli, S.; Biswas, R.; Bitossi, M.; Bizouard, M.; Black, E.; Blackburn, J.; Blackburn, L.; Blair, D.; Bland, B.; Blom, M.; Boccara, C.; Bock, O.; Bodiya, T.; Bondarescu, R.; Bondu, F.; Bonelli, L.; Bonnand, R.; Bork, R.; Born, M.; Bose, S.; Bosi, L.; Bouhou, B.; Boyle, M.; Braccini, S.; Bradaschia, C.; Brady, P.; Braginsky, V.; Brau, J.; Breyer, J.; Bridges, D.; Brillet, A.; Brinkmann, M.; Brisson, V.; Britzger, M.; Brooks, A.; Brown, D.; Budzyński, R.; Bulik, T.; Bulten, H.; Buonanno, A.; Burguet–Castell, J.; Burmeister, O.; Buskulic, D.; Buy, C.; Byer, R.; Cadonati, L.; Cagnoli, G.; Cain, J.; Calloni, E.; Camp, J.; Campagna, E.; Campsie, P.; Cannizzo, J.; Cannon, K.; Canuel, B.; Cao, J.; Capano, C.; Carbognani, F.; Caudill, S.; Cavaglià, M.; Cavalier, F.; Cavalieri, R.; Cella, G.; Cepeda, C.; Cesarini, E.; Chalermsongsak, T.; Chalkley, E.; Charlton, P.; Chassande-Mottin, E.; Chelkowski, S.; Chen, Y.; Chincarini, A.; Christensen, N.; Chua, S.; Chung, C.; Clark, D.; Clark, J.; Clayton, J.; Cleva, F.; Coccia, E.; Colacino, C.; Colas, J.; Colla, A.; Colombini, M.; Conte, R.; Cook, D.; Corbitt, T.; Cornish, N.; Corsi, A.; Costa, C.; Coulon, J.-P.; Coward, D.; Coyne, D.; Creighton, J.; Creighton, T.; Cruise, A.; Culter, R.; Cumming, A.; Cunningham, L.; Cuoco, E.; Dahl, K.; Danilishin, S.; Dannenberg, R.; D’Antonio, S.; Danzmann, K.; Das, K.; Dattilo, V.; Daudert, B.; Davier, M.; Davies, G.; Davis, A.; Daw, E.; Day, R.; Dayanga, T.; De Rosa, R.; DeBra, D.; Degallaix, J.; del Prete, M.; Dergachev, V.; DeRosa, R.; DeSalvo, R.; Devanka, P.; Dhurandhar, S.; Di Fiore, L.; Di Lieto, A.; Di Palma, I.; Di Paolo Emilio, M.; Di Virgilio, A.; Díaz, M.; Dietz, A.; Donovan, F.; Dooley, K.; Doomes, E.; Dorsher, S.; Douglas, E.; Drago, M.; Drever, R.; Driggers, J.; Dueck, J.; Dumas, J.-C.; Eberle, T.; Edgar, M.; Edwards, M.; Effler, A.; Ehrens, P.; Ely, G.; Engel, R.; Etzel, T.; Evans, M.; Evans, T.; Fafone, V.; Fairhurst, S.; Fan, Y.; Farr, B.; Fazi, D.; Fehrmann, H.; Feldbaum, D.; Ferrante, I.; Fidecaro, F.; Finn, L.; Fiori, I.; Flaminio, R.; Flanigan, M.; Flasch, K.; Foley, S.; Forrest, C.; Forsi, E.; Fotopoulos, N.; Fournier, J.-D.; Franc, J.; Frasca, S.; Frasconi, F.; Frede, M.; Frei, M.; Frei, Z.; Freise, A.; Frey, R.; Fricke, T.; Friedrich, D.; Fritschel, P.; Frolov, V.; Fulda, P.; Fyffe, M.; Galimberti, M.; Gammaitoni, L.; Garofoli, J.; Garufi, F.; Gemme, G.; Genin, E.; Gennai, A.; Ghosh, S.; Giaime, J.; Giampanis, S.; Giardina, K.; Giazotto, A.; Gill, C.; Goetz, E.; Goggin, L.; González, G.; Goßler, S.; Gouaty, R.; Graef, C.; Granata, M.; Grant, A.; Gras, S.; Gray, C.; Greenhalgh, R.; Gretarsson, A.; Greverie, C.; Grosso, R.; Grote, H.; Grunewald, S.; Guidi, G.; Gustafson, E.; Gustafson, R.; Hage, B.; Hall, P.; Hallam, J.; Hammer, D.; Hammond, G.; Hanks, J.; Hanna, C.; Hanson, J.; Harms, J.; Harry, G.; Harry, I.; Harstad, E.; Haughian, K.; Hayama, K.; Hayau, J.-F.; Hayler, T.; Heefner, J.; Heitmann, H.; Hello, P.; Heng, I.; Heptonstall, A.; Hewitson, M.; Hild, S.; Hirose, E.; Hoak, D.; Hodge, K.; Holt, K.; Hosken, D.; Hough, J.; Howell, E.; Hoyland, D.; Huet, D.; Hughey, B.; Husa, S.; Huttner, S.; Huynh–Dinh, T.; Ingram, D.; Inta, R.; Isogai, T.; Ivanov, A.; Jaranowski, P.; Johnson, W.; Jones, D.; Jones, G.; 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