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dc.contributor.authorWan, C. R.
dc.contributor.authorFrohlich, E. M.
dc.contributor.authorCharest, Joseph L.
dc.contributor.authorKamm, Roger Dale
dc.description.abstractEmbryonic stem cell derived cardiomyocytes have been widely investigated for stem cell therapy or in vitro model systems. This study examines how two specific biophysical stimuli, collagen I and cell alignment, affect the phenotypes of embryonic stem cell derived cardiomyocytes in vitro. Three phenotypic indicators are assessed: sarcomere organization, cell elongation, and percentage of binucleation. Murine embryonic stem cells were differentiated in a hanging drop assay and cardiomyocytes expressing GFP-α-actinin were isolated by fluorescent sorting. First, the effect of collagen I was investigated. Addition of soluble collagen I markedly reduced binucleation as a result of an increase in cytokinesis. Laden with a collagen gel layer, myocyte mobility and cell shape change were impeded. Second, the effect of cell alignment by microcontact printing and nanopattern topography was investigated. Both patterning techniques induced cell alignment and elongation. Microcontact printing of 20 μm line pattern accelerated binucleation and nanotopography with 700 nm ridges and 3.5 μm grooves negatively regulated binucleation. This study highlights the importance of biophysical cues in the morphological changes of differentiated cardiomyocytes and may have important implications on how these cells incorporate into the native myocardium.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipSingapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technologyen_US
dc.description.sponsorshipNational Science Foundation (U.S.) ((Science and Technology Center (EBICS): Emergent Behaviors of Integrated Cellular Systems, Grant CBET-0939511)en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipCharles Stark Draper Laboratory (Internal Research and Development Program)en_US
dc.publisherBiomedical Engineering Societyen_US
dc.rightsCreative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0en_US
dc.sourceProf. Kamm via Angie Locknaren_US
dc.titleEffect of Surface Patterning and Presence of Collagen I on the Phenotypic Changes of Embryonic Stem Cell Derived Cardiomyocytesen_US
dc.identifier.citationWan, C. R. et al. “Effect of Surface Patterning and Presence of Collagen I on the Phenotypic Changes of Embryonic Stem Cell Derived Cardiomyocytes.” Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering 4.1 (2010): 56-66.en_US
dc.contributor.departmentCharles Stark Draper Laboratoryen_US
dc.contributor.departmentMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Biological Engineeringen_US
dc.contributor.departmentMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Mechanical Engineeringen_US
dc.contributor.approverKamm, Roger Dale
dc.contributor.mitauthorWan, C. R.
dc.contributor.mitauthorFrohlich, E. M.
dc.contributor.mitauthorCharest, Joseph L.
dc.contributor.mitauthorKamm, Roger Dale
dc.relation.journalCellular and Molecular Bioengineeringen_US
dc.eprint.versionAuthor's final manuscripten_US
dspace.orderedauthorsWan, C. R.; Frohlich, E. M.; Charest, J. L.; Kamm, R. D.en

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