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dc.contributor.authorLin, Michael F.
dc.contributor.authorKellis, Manolis
dc.description.abstractThe GENCODE Consortium aims to identify all gene features in the human genome using a combination of computational analysis, manual annotation, and experimental validation. Since the first public release of this annotation data set, few new protein-coding loci have been added, yet the number of alternative splicing transcripts annotated has steadily increased. The GENCODE 7 release contains 20,687 protein-coding and 9640 long noncoding RNA loci and has 33,977 coding transcripts not represented in UCSC genes and RefSeq. It also has the most comprehensive annotation of long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) loci publicly available with the predominant transcript form consisting of two exons. We have examined the completeness of the transcript annotation and found that 35% of transcriptional start sites are supported by CAGE clusters and 62% of protein-coding genes have annotated polyA sites. Over one-third of GENCODE protein-coding genes are supported by peptide hits derived from mass spectrometry spectra submitted to Peptide Atlas. New models derived from the Illumina Body Map 2.0 RNA-seq data identify 3689 new loci not currently in GENCODE, of which 3127 consist of two exon models indicating that they are possibly unannotated long noncoding loci. GENCODE 7 is publicly available from and via the Ensembl and UCSC Genome Browsers.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipNational Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant 5U54HG004555)en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipWellcome Trust (London, England) (Grant WT098051)en_US
dc.publisherCold Spring Harbor Laboratory Pressen_US
dc.rightsCreative Commons Attribution Non-Commercialen_US
dc.sourceGenome Researchen_US
dc.titleGENCODE: The reference human genome annotation for The ENCODE Projecten_US
dc.identifier.citationHarrow, J. et al. “GENCODE: The Reference Human Genome Annotation for The ENCODE Project.” Genome Research 22.9 (2012): 1760–1774.en_US
dc.contributor.departmentMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Scienceen_US
dc.contributor.mitauthorLin, Michael F.
dc.contributor.mitauthorKellis, Manolis
dc.relation.journalGenome Researchen_US
dc.eprint.versionFinal published versionen_US
dspace.orderedauthorsHarrow, J.; Frankish, A.; Gonzalez, J. M.; Tapanari, E.; Diekhans, M.; Kokocinski, F.; Aken, B. L.; Barrell, D.; Zadissa, A.; Searle, S.; Barnes, I.; Bignell, A.; Boychenko, V.; Hunt, T.; Kay, M.; Mukherjee, G.; Rajan, J.; Despacio-Reyes, G.; Saunders, G.; Steward, C.; Harte, R.; Lin, M.; Howald, C.; Tanzer, A.; Derrien, T.; Chrast, J.; Walters, N.; Balasubramanian, S.; Pei, B.; Tress, M.; Rodriguez, J. M.; Ezkurdia, I.; van Baren, J.; Brent, M.; Haussler, D.; Kellis, M.; Valencia, A.; Reymond, A.; Gerstein, M.; Guigo, R.; Hubbard, T. J.en

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