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dc.contributor.authorCheung, Vincent Chi-Kwan
dc.contributor.authorTurolla, Andrea
dc.contributor.authorAgostini, Michela
dc.contributor.authorSilvoni, Stefano
dc.contributor.authorBennis, Caoimhe
dc.contributor.authorKasi, Patrick
dc.contributor.authorPaganoni, Sabrina
dc.contributor.authorBonato, Paolo
dc.contributor.authorBizzi, Emilio
dc.description.abstractThe experimental findings herein reported are aimed at gaining a perspective on the complex neural events that follow lesions of the motor cortical areas. Cortical damage, whether by trauma or stroke, interferes with the flow of descending signals to the modular interneuronal structures of the spinal cord. These spinal modules subserve normal motor behaviors by activating groups of muscles as individual units (muscle synergies). Damage to the motor cortical areas disrupts the orchestration of the modules, resulting in abnormal movements. To gain insights into this complex process, we recorded myoelectric signals from multiple upper-limb muscles in subjects with cortical lesions. We used a factorization algorithm to identify the muscle synergies. Our factorization analysis revealed, in a quantitative way, three distinct patterns of muscle coordination—including preservation, merging, and fractionation of muscle synergies—that reflect the multiple neural responses that occur after cortical damage. These patterns varied as a function of both the severity of functional impairment and the temporal distance from stroke onset. We think these muscle-synergy patterns can be used as physiological markers of the status of any patient with stroke or trauma, thereby guiding the development of different rehabilitation approaches, as well as future physiological experiments for a further understanding of postinjury mechanisms of motor control and recovery.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipNational Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant C1-NS068103-0)en_US
dc.publisherNational Academy of Sciences (U.S.)en_US
dc.rightsArticle is made available in accordance with the publisher's policy and may be subject to US copyright law. Please refer to the publisher's site for terms of use.en_US
dc.titleMuscle synergy patterns as physiological markers of motor cortical damageen_US
dc.identifier.citationCheung, V. C. K. et al. “Muscle Synergy Patterns as Physiological Markers of Motor Cortical Damage.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109.36 (2012): 14652–14656. ©2012 National Academy of Sciencesen_US
dc.contributor.departmentMcGovern Institute for Brain Research at MITen_US
dc.contributor.mitauthorCheung, Vincent Chi-Kwan
dc.contributor.mitauthorBizzi, Emilio
dc.relation.journalProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of Americaen_US
dc.eprint.versionFinal published versionen_US
dspace.orderedauthorsCheung, V. C. K.; Turolla, A.; Agostini, M.; Silvoni, S.; Bennis, C.; Kasi, P.; Paganoni, S.; Bonato, P.; Bizzi, E.en

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