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dc.contributor.authorGoeke, Robert F.
dc.contributor.authorLonsdale, Colin John
dc.contributor.authorCappallo, Roger J.
dc.contributor.authorCorey, Brian E.
dc.contributor.authorHewitt, Jacqueline N.
dc.contributor.authorKincaid, Barton B.
dc.contributor.authorKratzenberg, Eric W.
dc.contributor.authorMcWhirter, Stephen R.
dc.contributor.authorMorgan, Edward H.
dc.contributor.authorRemillard, Ronald Alan
dc.contributor.authorRogers, Alan E. E.
dc.contributor.authorSalah, J. E.
dc.contributor.authorWhitney, Alan R.
dc.contributor.authorWilliams, Christopher Leigh
dc.description.abstractThe Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) is one of three Square Kilometre Array Precursor telescopes and is located at the Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory in the Murchison Shire of the mid-west of Western Australia, a location chosen for its extremely low levels of radio frequency interference. The MWA operates at low radio frequencies, 80–300 MHz, with a processed bandwidth of 30.72 MHz for both linear polarisations, and consists of 128 aperture arrays (known as tiles) distributed over a ~3-km diameter area. Novel hybrid hardware/software correlation and a real-time imaging and calibration systems comprise the MWA signal processing backend. In this paper, the as-built MWA is described both at a system and sub-system level, the expected performance of the array is presented, and the science goals of the instrument are summarised.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipNational Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant AST CAREER-0847753)en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipNational Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant AST-0457585)en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipNational Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant AST-0908884)en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipNational Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant PHY-0835713)en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipUnited States. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (Grant FA9550-0510247)en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipSmithsonian Astrophysical Observatoryen_US
dc.description.sponsorshipMIT School of Scienceen_US
dc.publisherCSIRO Publishingen_US
dc.rightsCreative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alikeen_US
dc.titleThe Murchison Widefield Array: The Square Kilometre Array Precursor at Low Radio Frequenciesen_US
dc.identifier.citationTingay, S. J., R. Goeke, J. D. Bowman, D. Emrich, S. M. Ord, D. A. Mitchell, M. F. Morales, et al. “The Murchison Widefield Array: The Square Kilometre Array Precursor at Low Radio Frequencies.” Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 30 (January 2013).en_US
dc.contributor.departmentHaystack Observatoryen_US
dc.contributor.departmentMIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Researchen_US
dc.contributor.mitauthorGoeke, Robert F.en_US
dc.contributor.mitauthorLonsdale, Colin Johnen_US
dc.contributor.mitauthorCappallo, Roger J.en_US
dc.contributor.mitauthorCorey, Brian E.en_US
dc.contributor.mitauthorHewitt, Jacqueline N.en_US
dc.contributor.mitauthorKincaid, Barton B.en_US
dc.contributor.mitauthorKratzenberg, Eric W.en_US
dc.contributor.mitauthorMcWhirter, Stephen R.en_US
dc.contributor.mitauthorMorgan, Edward H.en_US
dc.contributor.mitauthorRemillard, Ronald Alanen_US
dc.contributor.mitauthorRogers, Alan E. E.en_US
dc.contributor.mitauthorSalah, J. E.en_US
dc.contributor.mitauthorWhitney, Alan R.en_US
dc.contributor.mitauthorWilliams, Christopher Leighen_US
dc.relation.journalPublications of the Astronomical Society of Australiaen_US
dc.eprint.versionOriginal manuscripten_US
dspace.orderedauthorsTingay, S. J.; Goeke, R.; Bowman, J. D.; Emrich, D.; Ord, S. M.; Mitchell, D. A.; Morales, M. F.; Booler, T.; Crosse, B.; Wayth, R. B.; Lonsdale, C. J.; Tremblay, S.; Pallot, D.; Colegate, T.; Wicenec, A.; Kudryavtseva, N.; Arcus, W.; Barnes, D.; Bernardi, G.; Briggs, F.; Burns, S.; Bunton, J. D.; Cappallo, R. J.; Corey, B. E.; Deshpande, A.; Desouza, L.; Gaensler, B. M.; Greenhill, L. J.; Hall, P. J.; Hazelton, B. J.; Herne, D.; Hewitt, J. N.; Johnston-Hollitt, M.; Kaplan, D. L.; Kasper, J. C.; Kincaid, B. B.; Koenig, R.; Kratzenberg, E.; Lynch, M. J.; Mckinley, B.; Mcwhirter, S. R.; Morgan, E.; Oberoi, D.; Pathikulangara, J.; Prabu, T.; Remillard, R. A.; Rogers, A. E. E.; Roshi, A.; Salah, J. E.; Sault, R. J.; Udaya-Shankar, N.; Schlagenhaufer, F.; Srivani, K. S.; Stevens, J.; Subrahmanyan, R.; Waterson, M.; Webster, R. L.; Whitney, A. R.; Williams, A.; Williams, C. L.; Wyithe, J. S. B.en_US

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