The SU(2) ⊗ U(1) Electroweak Model Based on the Nonlinearly Realized Gauge Group. II. Functional Equations and the Weak Power-Counting
Bettinelli, D.; Ferrari, Ruggero; Quadri, A.
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In the present paper, that is the second part devoted to the construction of an electroweak model based on a nonlinear realization of the gauge group SU(2) ⊗ U(1), we study the tree-level vertex functional with all the sources necessary for the functional formulation of the relevant symmetries (Local Functional Equation, Slavnov–Taylor identity, Landau Gauge Equation) and for the symmetric removal of the divergences. The Weak Power Counting criterion is proven in the presence of the novel sources. The local invariant solutions of the functional equations are constructed in order to represent the counterterms for the one-loop subtractions. The bleaching technique is fully extended to the fermion sector. The neutral sector of the vector mesons is analyzed in detail in order to identify the physical fields for the photon and the Z boson. The identities necessary for the decoupling of the unphysical modes are fully analyzed. These latter results are crucially bound to the Landau gauge used throughout the paper.
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Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Center for Theoretical Physics; Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Physics; Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Laboratory for Nuclear ScienceJournal
Acta Physica Polonica B
Acta Physica Polonica B Editorial Office
Bettinelli, D., R. Ferrari, and A. Quadri. "The SU(2) ⊗ U(1) Electroweak Model Based on the Nonlinearly Realized Gauge Group. II. Functional Equations and the Weak Power-Counting." Acta Physica Polonica B, Vol. 41, No. 3 (March 2010).
Version: Final published version