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Classroom Pre-Practicum Portfolios
Goals and Expectations
Activity - Opinions on Teaching
Activity - Teaching Without Words
Course Texts:

  • How People Learn (available at the Coop, Online, or at Amazon).
  • Understanding by Design (available at Amazon)
  • Portfolio Assessment Introduction
  • How People Learn - Learning: From Speculation to Science
  • Observations in MIT Classrooms
2 Misconceptions and MIT Observations
Video - Into Thin Air
Discussion on MIT Observations
  • Misconceptions Reconceived
  • More Than Misconceptions
  • Conquering Your Misconceptions

Concept Mapping

  • Concept Mapping
  • The Theory of Concept Maps and How to Design Them
  • Concept Map Examples
  • Concept Mapping Software
  • Create a Concept Map

Understanding and Classroom Observation

  • Concept Mapping Continued
  • What is understanding? (I know I understand when... I know you understand when...)
  • Discussion of first classroom observations
  • Understanding by Design - Understanding Understanding and Six Facets of Understanding (Chapters 3 & 4)
  • First Classroom Observations

Assessment and Standardized Testing

  • Video - Testing, Testing, Testing 
  • Texas Standards and Standardized Tests
    • TEKS High School Science and Math Standards
      • Middle School Science
    • TAAS Grade 8, Exit, Biology, Algebra I
  • Who should set standards?
  • Assessment design and performance assessment
    • PowerPoint Handout
  • Massachusetts State Frameworks
  • Achieve Standards Database
  • Knowing What Students Know
    • The Nature of Assessment and Reasoning from Evidence and Assesment in Practice
  • Teaching, Standards, Tests Found Not Aligned (Education Week)
  • Assignment
    • Classroom Observations
  • Assignment
    • Assessment Design

Modes of Teaching

  • Practice Teaching - Density and Area of Polygons (pictures)
    • Teaching in different modes - Lecture, Lab, Discussion...
  • Discussion of Classroom Observations
  • How People Learn - The Design of Learning Environments
  • Classroom Observation

Classroom Management and Understanding Kids

  • "Classroom Quirks" (Video)
  • Discussion of Classroom Observations
  • Clasroom Management
    • Tips for Teachers (from Students)
  • How People Learn - Effective Teching: Examples in History, Mathematics and Science
  • Classroom Observations

Educational Technology

  • Physics Lab (pictures)
    • Video 1 Video 2 Video 3
  • Discussion of Classroom Observations
  • Impact of Educational Technology on Student Achievement
  • How People Learn - Technology to Support Learning
  • Classroom Observations

Educational Technology

  • Physics Lab cont.
  • The Science Behind the Art of Teaching Science (Barry Kort and Rob Reilly)
  • Discussion of Classroom Observations
  • Oversold and Underused
  • Assignment 
    • Comparison of Media
  • Assignment 
    • Classroom Observations

Careers in Education

  • Teacher Profiles and Visits
  • Education Research and Evaluation
  • Informal Education
  • Environmental Detectives
  • Introduce Final Assignment
  • Discussion of Classroom Observations
  • Standards For Success
  • How People Learn - Teacher Learning
  • Classroom Observations

Math Education

  • Special Guest - Math Education with Robert Gerver
  • Understanding by Design - Implications for Organizing curriculum
  • Planning Final Projects
  • Classroom Observations

Lesson Planning

  • Learning to Plan Lessons
  • Lesson Plan Analysis Protocol
  • Education World
  • NSDC
  • Understanding by Design - Implications for teaching and Putting it All Together

Final Projects

  • Design and Teach a Lesson
  • Final Portfolio Due May 15HTML Help
    • HTML Tutorial
    • HTML Basics (See Especially Images and Links
    • Also take a look some free editors
  • Final Project - Design and Teach a Lesson