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11.125 Exploring K-12 Clasroom Teaching, Spring 2003

School teacher and student.
Photographic Print 521532. (Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration.)

Highlights of this Course

Both the readings and related resources sections provide a detailed set of on-line resources helpful to new teachers.  The assignments section helps provide a structured outline of assignments to prepare young teachers for the challenges they might face in the classroom.

Course Description

Subject uses K-12 classroom experiences, along with student-centered classroom activities and student-led classes, to explore issues in schools and education. Students in this course spend time each week observing pre-college math and science classes. Topics of study include design and implementation of curriculum, addressing the needs of a diversity of students, standards in math and science, student misconceptions, methods of instruction, the digital divide, teaching through different media, and student assessment.



Prof. Eric Klopfer

Course Meeting Times

Two sessions / week
1.5 hours / session




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