You are a first year teacher. Your principal is going to observe your class for a day. You need to prepare a lesson for that day of class, and set it in a context so that your principal can understand how it fits in.
As a part of this assignment you must do the following:
- Submit a lesson plan for the day that you are teaching.
- Submit a short description justifying your lesson plan and setting it in the context of the rest of your unit.
- Teach the lesson to your class.
- The lesson should be 25 minutes long.
For our class you will be working on these projects in pairs. You will be teaching the lessons the last two weeks of classes. You should set your lesson in one of the schools that you have been observing in this semester. But you should define the school, class, and subject that you are teaching and use this to justify your lesson plans.
You need to include a description of the lesson plan (how and what you are doing, as well as why). This should be supported by a description of the course AND unit that the lesson is embedded in. I have left it up to you where you would like to place greater emphasis (the unit or the course), though you need to include a mention of both. You might provide details about other lessons in the unit that this lesson is included in (what are the other modes of teaching, labs, lectures, what are the topics). Alternatively, you might provide more details about the course itself (what are the other units and methods of teaching used). You should also include a little background of the school and the class itself.