21F.225 / 21F.226 Advanced Workshop in Writing for Science and Engineering: ESL

Spring 2003

Photograph of computer mouse, and pen laying on a pad of paper that has the word "writing" on it in numerous languages.
"Writing" in several languages. (Image courtesy of Daniel Bersak.)

Course Highlights

This course includes major writing assignments and homework assignments for advanced ESL students.

Course Description

This workshop is designed to help advanced students of ESL and bilingual students to write clearly, accurately and effectively in a professional or academic technical environment. In class, we will focus on analyzing examples of various forms of technical writing. In addition, while 21F.225/6 is not a grammar review, we will address many of the common problems of advanced non-native writers of technical English. Class members will occasionally be the authors of the work under review. They will also occasionally be responsible for leading group discussions and for short oral presentations.
The course, then, is not a grammar class nor a thesis editing service though we will spend considerable time developing student's editorial skills. Constructive participation in the group analyses, discussions and speaking exercises that take place in class is crucial to the learning process and to the success of the workshop. As a result, regular attendance and timely completion of assignments are requirements of 21F.225/6. Students who, due to general study habits or schedule conflicts, expect to have difficulty in arriving on time or in attending every class, and in completing assignments on time, do not belong in the class. No listeners are accepted in 21F.225/6.

Completion of 21F.226 with a grade of A or B fulfills Phase II of the MIT Undergraduate Writing Requirement. (It cannot fulfill both Phase I and Phase II at the same time.)

*Some translations represent previous versions of courses.

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Prof. Jane Dunphy

Course Meeting Times

Two sessions / week
1.5 hours / session


Undergraduate / Graduate
