
Homework due in Class #2

1. Buy books and materials; retain receipts; do not write in anything until you are sure you are staying in the course.

2. Read Course Packet (CP), pp. 1-11, and skim the rest of the packet so that you know the kinds of materials it contains.

3. Read The Mayfield Handbook of Technical & Scientific Writing (Mayfield), Ch. 1, 5, 6, & 7 (on line or hard copy).

4. Prepare to provide your reaction to the texts and materials in class. What are your first impressions? Which do you predict will be most useful to you. Why?

5. Read CP, Section I on Technical Writing Style, pp. 18-29. Do the exercises on pp. 28-9 and check your answers with the keys. Bring questions to class.

Homework due in Class #3

1. Read handout: "Presenting Technical Information to the Public." Choose one of the model essays provided and be prepared to defend it as an effective example of writing for a non-specialist audience.

2. Memo #1: Interview a faculty member, research scientist or post-doctoral fellow in your department about the role communication skills play in their profession. Ask them questions about:

  • The kinds of professional writing and speaking they are required to do.
  • The amount of professional writing and speaking they typically do in a month.
  • Their attitudes toward writing and speaking.

Write a one-page memo, using strict memo format (see Mayfield to preview characteristics of effective memos), summarizing what you learned.

Class #4

1. Study handout on "Transition Signals," and do Exercises 17, 18 and 19.

Homework due five days after Class #4

Class #5

1. Formal Paper #1 due: Describe a scientific/technical concept for a general audience. Refer to your syllabus for a detailed description of this assignment. After you have written your best draft, distribute a copy to each member of your editing group at least one day before class. Bring two copies to class for the workshop.

2. Read your editing group's papers and be prepared to provide constructive feedback in class. Use CP, pp. 12 Guidelines.

3. Quiz # 1: Transitions.

Homework due in Class #6
  1. Read Mayfield, Chap. 2, Sections 2.1 and 2.5 on Correspondence (business letters, job application letters and memos).
  2. Bring to class a memo or business letter that you have received since coming to the U.S.
  3. Read CP, Section II, Letters & Memos, pp. 43-63.
  • Analyze and be prepared to critique the sample memos, pp. 58-62 in class.
  • Do Exercise on pp. 63 to discuss in class and to hand in.

Class #7

  1. Review CP, pp. 256-60.
  • Do Exercises to discuss in class: Tense Moments, Ex. #2 and Ex. #3.
Homework due in Class #8

1. Read CP, Section III, Job Application Process, pp. 65-91.

  • Do Ex. #1 (pp. 74-6) to discuss in class.
  • Study Ex. #3 (pp. 91) to discuss in class. What advise would you give for revising the resume?

1. Memo #2: In a one-page memo, compare the communication tasks of the job application process in the USA with those in your country. (You may need to interview informants for this exercise.)

Class #9

1. Formal paper # 2 due: A one-to two-page memo or job-application letter suitable for a professional, technical environment. This assignment will be reviewed in individual mid-terrn conferences.

Homework due in Class #10

1. Quiz #2: Verb Forms.

2. Read CP, pp. 93-120.

3. Bring to class two copies of a good example of a journal article from a leading academic research journal in your field, from Nature, or from Science. The article should have an abstract, references, and, if possible, figures, tables and equations. We will be referring to this article for the rest of the term.

Class #11

1. Read Mayfield, Section 10 on "Citing Sources & Listing References."

2. Do CP. Ex. #1, pp. 136, to hand in.

Homework due in Class #12

1. Read Mayfield, Section 3.3 and 3.4.1 through 3.4.2.

2. Read CP, pp. 139-162.

3. Analyze and evaluate abstracts in Ex. #3 in CP, pp. 143-144, to discuss in class.

4. Analyze and evaluate Ex. #3 and #4 in CP, pp. 161-162, to discuss in class.

5. Memo #3: In a one-page memo, summarize the basic guidelines for effective abstracts and introductions.

Class #13

1. Study "Articles" in Packet, pp. 237-248. Do Exercises; check answers with key.

2. Study "Articles" in Packet, pp. 249-255. Do Exercises to discuss in class.

3. Create a list of ten key phrases for your field with a sentence example of how each term is used. Pay particular attention to whether the terms are count/noncount and how articles are combined with them. Bring your list to class.

Homework due one week after Class #13

Homework due in Class #14

1. Read Mayfield, Section 8 on "Punctuation."

2. Do CP, pp. 270-72, Ex. #1, #2 and #3 to discuss in class.

3. Formal Paper # 3 due: An Abstract (length depends on purpose) and Introduction (no more than two pages) of a formal scientific or technical proposal, report, journal article or short thesis. See syllabus for details.

Class #15

1. Read Packet, pp. 163-194. Analyze and evaluate the sample proposals in Exercise #1 (pp. 186--) to discuss in class.

2. Quiz #4: Articles.

Homework due in Class #16

1. Handout on Persuasive Language: Review info. and do exercises.

2. Memo #4: In a one-page memo, evaluate the content, organization and format of the proposal for an alternative kind of RatFeed in the Packet, Ex. #2, pp. 195-6.

Class #17

1. Read Mayfield, Section 12.4.1 on Relative Clauses.

2. Read CP, 265-69. Do Ex. #1, #2 and #3.

3. Quiz #5: Punctuation.

Homework due in Class #18

1. Formal Paper # 4 due: Write a two-three page proposal, preferably related to your final project. See the course syllabus for details. Distribute a copy to each member of your editing group at least one day before class. Bring the original and one copy to class.

2. Quiz #6:  Relative Clauses

Class #19

1. Read Mayfield, Section 3 on writing the approach, results, discussion, conclusion sections of a scientific, technical or policy paper.

2. Read CP on Writing up Research, pp. 199-216.

3. Study materials in CP on "Data Commentary," pp. 202-216. Prepare Tasks 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 & 11 to discuss in class.

Homework due one week after Class #19.

Homework due in Class #20

1. Read Course Packet, pp. 221-233 on Presenting Papers Orally.

Class #21

1. Carefully consider the features of an effective visual aid after reviewing course materials. Design one overhead transparency/slide as part of the beginning, middle or end of an informative presentation. Prepare to spend 1-2 minutes presenting information, incorporating this one slide, to the class. In other words, each of you will be presenting a "slice of a presentation" to practice effective design and use of visual aids, as well as good delivery style. Class members will provide feedback.

Homework due in Class #22

1. Read CP, pp. 219-20 on Poster Sessions.

2. Volunteer experts in giving poster sessions and going through publishing process.

Class #23

1. Analyze the drafts of past assignments and make a list of your common problems in English technical writing (e.g., organization; verb forms, tone). See model on pp. 8 of CP.

2. Be prepared to discuss any questions or problems you are having with your final paper draft.

3. Meet for your individual consultation.

Homework due in Class #24

1. Analyze the drafts of past assignments and make a list of your common problems in English technical writing (e.g., organization; verb forms, tone). See model on pp. 8 of CP.

2. Be prepared to discuss any questions or problems you are having with your final paper draft.

3. Meet for your individual consultation.

Class #25

1. Final Formal Papers are due; no rewrites will be possible; no late papers will be accepted.

2. Student-led overview of 21f.225/6.