
Required Texts

Azar, Betty. Chartbook: A Reference Grammar. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall Regents, 1995.

Perelman, Leslie C., James Paradis, and Edward Barrett. The Mayfield handbook of technical & scientific writing. Mountain View, Calif.: Mayfield, 1998.

A paperback English-English dictionary (e.g., American Heritage English as a Second Language Dictionary, Oxford Advanced Learner's) or Merriam Webster On-line Dictionary. Available on the World Wide Web:

Course Packet

Day, Robert A. How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper. Phoenix, Az.: Oryx Press, 1988, Chap. 7, pp. 33-35.

Markel, M. Technical Writing Essentials. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1988, Chap. 5, pp. 69-81.

Michaelson, H. B. "How to Present a Paper Orally." In How to Write and Publish Engineering Papers. Phoenix, Az.: Oryx Press, 1990, pp. 148-156.

Smith, J., C. M. Meyers, and A. J. Burkhalter. Communicate: Strategies for International Teaching Assistants. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Regents/Prentice Hall, 1992, pp. 231-237.

Swales, J., and C. Feak. Academic Writing for Graduate Students. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1994, Unit 4, pp. 77-104.

Woolever, Kristin R. Writing for the Technical Professions. New York: Longman, 1999, Chap. 9, pp. 226-230, 233.

Recommended Texts

Day, R. How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper. Phoenix, Az.: Oryx Press, 1998.

Day, R. Scientific English: A Guide for Scientists. Phoenix, Az.: Oryx Press, 1995.

Hacker, D. A Pocket Style Manual. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2000.

Michaelson, H. How to Write & Publish Engineering Papers & Reports. Phoenix, AZ : Oryx Press, 1990.

Swales, J., and C. Feak. Academic Writing for Graduate Students. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1994.

Wilkinson, A. The Scientist's Handbook for Writing Papers and Dissertations. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1991.

William, J. Style: Ten Lessons in Clarity & Grace. New York: Longman, 2000.