
Syllabus (PDF)

Required Course Texts and Materials

  1. Course Packet.
  2. The Mayfield Handbook of Technical & Scientific Writing.
  3. A paperback English-English dictionary (e.g., American Heritage English as a Second Language Dictionary, Oxford Advanced Learner's) or Merriam Webster On-line Dictionary. Available on the World Wide Web:
  4. "Specifications for Thesis Preparation." (Institute Archives Office)
  5. An article reporting on research from a respected academic journal in your field, from Nature or from Science.
  6. Betty Azar's Chartbook: A Reference Grammar.
  7. A binder with pockets to hold handouts.

*(HASS CI subjects require at least 20 pages of writing divided among 3-5 assignments. Of these 3-5 assignments, at least one must be revised and resubmitted. HASS CI subjects offer students substantial opportunity for oral expression, through presentations, student-led discussion, or class participation. In order to guarantee sufficient attention to student writing and substantial opportunity for oral expression, the maximum number of students per section in a HASS CI subject is 18, except in the case of a subject taught without sections (where the faculty member in charge is the only instructor). In that case, enrollments can rise to 25, if a writing fellow is attached to the subject.)

Recommended Texts

  1. Day, R. How to Write & Publish a Scientific Paper.
  2. Day, R. Scientific English: A Guide for Scientists.
  3. Hacker, D. Pocket Style Manual.
  4. Michaelson, H. How to Write & Publish Engineering Papers & Reports.
  5. Swales, J., & C. Feak. Academic Writing for Graduate Students.
  6. Wilkinson, A. The Scientist's Handbook for Writing Papers and Dissertations.
  7. William, J. Style: Ten Lessons in Clarity & Grace.
Attendance and Participation

A large part of your grade, 35%, will be based on punctuality, attendance, familiarity with the required readings, short exercises/quizzes and constructive contributions to class discussions. An attendance sheet will be circulated at the start of each class for students to sign. Those who do not prepare, contribute to discussions, complete assignments on time and attend class regularly can expect their final grade to be affected.

Grading Criteria

Your grade will be based on

(1)  Punctuality, attendance, and participation          (15%)

  • You are expected to come prepared, on time and to every class.
  • You are expected to take responsibility for any necessary tardiness or absences by notifying me in advance and by preparing a one page memo describing what was covered in the class that you missed.
  • You are expected to contribute constructively to class preparations.

2)  Short assignments and quizzes                           (20%)

  • No late assignments will be accepted unless arranged in advance.
  • No make-up quizzes will be given unless arranged in advance.

3)  Four shorter formal papers                                  (40%)

  • No late papers will be accepted unless arranged in advance.
  • All shorter papers will require revisions.

4)  Final paper                                                           (25%)

  • No revision possible.
94 and above=A 90-93=A- 86-89=B+ 83-85=B 80-82=B-
76-79=C+ 73-75=C 70-72=C- 60-69=D Below 60=F

Details of the short assignments (memos, quizzes, oral summaries and other exercises) are attached to the class schedule; please be familiar with your syllabus, read the indicated chapters in the materials, and come to each class prepared.
In addition to shorter formal papers, a final research project of fifteen pages will be required. Subjects and approaches will be discussed as the term progresses.


You will be responsible for distributing copies of each formal text to your editing group members before the two classes when peer workshops are scheduled. When formal writing assignments are worked on in class, your first good draft will be due to me for comments by the next class. I will provide a close reading and return the draft within a week. Then you will have until the following class to revise your draft and submit it for a grade.

If you receive a grade of "C" or lower on any of the four shorter formal papers, you will have a chance to rewrite it. Rewrites are due the next class. Your new grade will be a combination of the original grade and the grade received for the rewrite.

There will be no opportunity to rewrite the final project. However, each of you will have a scheduled appointment with me for feedback on your final project in progress.