01. The Organizational Ombud's Role: Functions, Standards of Practice, and Effectiveness and Value
This page includes articles, chapters, reports, and working papers that discuss a range of topics related to the role of the organizational ombuds. The material is organized into four sections. (A few articles are mentioned in more than one section, and some articles also appear on other pages of this website.)
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Recent Submissions
Is the Other Person Competing? Collaborating? Possibly Intending Harm? Ideas to Consider in a Negotiation
(MIT Sloan School of Management, 2022-09) -
Changing Behavior, Letting It Be—Or Maybe Making It Worse: Ideas to Consider
(MIT Sloan School of Management, 2022-04) -
Organizational Ombuds Data: Helping to Understand Ombuds Effectiveness
(MIT Sloan School of Management, 2021-08)